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MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:51 pm
by alx66
I have FinePix REAL 3D W3 stereo camera. I want to be able to view my 3D pictures on my 3D Samsung TV, connected to my MacBook Pro through HDMI cable.
I like the Stereo Master from what I see on the App. Store. But can I use it to just view photos in MPO format on my 3D TV?

Re: MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:07 pm
by Mr. Kibernetik
As far as I know, 3D TV usually can understand MPO files


Fuji Film camera uses parallax setting in its MPO files, and 3D TV can fail to show it properly - left and right images may be separated incorrectly, without using of parallax setting.
Stereo Master allows to "burn" parallax into image, so that 3D TV will show these images as they are on Fuji Film camera display.

Re: MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:05 pm
by alx66
Thank you for the fast reply.
I tried to just view them on the connected TV - it did not work :(
Good reason to try the Stereo Master.

Any way to view them in the folder as a slide show?

Thank you!

Re: MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:10 pm
by Mr. Kibernetik
Stereo Master does not work as a viewer. It is a 3D photo editor and converter.

If your 3D TV does not understand MPO files, then how do you want to view your 3D photos on the TV?

Re: MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:15 pm
by alx66
The TV can see MPO 3D images when connected directly to the camera. But when copied to my Mac it just shows as a two flat images. So I am looking to a way to view them as 3D images on my 3D tv when connected to laptop. Am I looking to a wrong program?

Re: MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:19 pm
by Mr. Kibernetik
Sorry, but Stereo Master will not help you if your 3D TV cannot show MPO files.

Re: MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:24 pm
by alx66
That's sad.
But I'll try it as an editor and let you know - if I'd be able to modify them - so they can be easily viewed.

On another note - with your skills - why not to write a MPO and other 3D image format viewer?!
As far as I know there is no good viewing program around - and it looks like it is not that complex compared to your other apps...

Just a thought!
Thank you very much

Re: MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:34 pm
by Mr. Kibernetik
Actually initially Stereo Master was a 3D image viewer. It allowed user to browse current folder and view any 3D image in it.
But since Apple implemented sandboxing for Mac applications, they forbid such kind of access to images in a folder.
Now only explicit image loading with file load menu is available. So, Stereo Master is not an image viewer anymore.

Re: MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:06 pm
by alx66
Я уверен что хороший русский программист всегда найдет способ обойти любые проблемы! Даже если они созданы Apple!! :D

Re: MPO viewing on 3D TV ??

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 7:20 pm
by Mr. Kibernetik
Видимо, ваш 3D TV понимает 3D картинку только через HDMI кабель. Значит, источником 3D сигнала может быть либо ваш Fuji W3, либо какой-нибудь 3D медиаплеер, который читает MPO формат.

Stereo Master позволяет редактировать 3D изображения, которые можно потом загружать обратно в 3D фотоаппарат, и уже с него их смотреть на 3D TV.