Memory game using touch statement; runs on all iDevices
Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 8:10 pm
Removed due to stupid error (reserved word used as variable name)
Version 2 is uploaded
Version 2 is uploaded
Mr.Kibernetik software support
Welcome on this board Operator, even if it is to point at my bugs!Operator wrote:Nice Game Oldie
While trying it out in a 6x6 i got an
error message... ( see the attached
"print-screen" )
I implemented this fix, but still have similar errorHenko wrote:I knew about the bug,the remedy is to add the following statement in the function get_xy, just before the end def statement :
if xy(1)>size then xy(1)=size ! if xy(2)>size then xy(2)=size
I am unable to reproduce the error, not on my iPad and not on my iPhone. And in fact the indices can never be lower than 1 and neve higher than "size" . I suspect that the error message is caused by another bug in the program (or in Basic?). I will investigate further.Mr. Kibernetik wrote:I implemented this fix, but still have similar errorHenko wrote:I knew about the bug,the remedy is to add the following statement in the function get_xy, just before the end def statement :
if xy(1)>size then xy(1)=size ! if xy(2)>size then xy(2)=size
Thanks for debugging ☺ i'll look into it.Mr. Kibernetik wrote:I found what was the problem with this error.
Try touching top toolbar, and you will understand what happens - negative Y is allowed.
You are right, i get the same error when using the code in the programs section. The version on my tablet has the correct behaviour. It's uploaded below.ricardobytes wrote:I am trying the memory game on my iPad Air, and I am finding that touching a square doesn't reveal that square. Sometimes the one revealed is the next one to the right of the one I touch, sometimes it is one down and one to the right.
Code: Select all
' Memory game using new touch statement (version june07,2015)
option base 1
dim m(8,8),xy(2)
gosub init_prog ' initialization
cls ! turns=0
tab_gen(m,t_size,sc) ' generate table with values
disp(m,t_size,sc) ' display the tableau
get_xy(xy,t_size,sc) ' get first touch
i1=xy(1) ! j1=xy(2)
file "test_mem" print i1,j1
if m(i1,j1)>0 then loop6 ' already been guessed
disp_vak(m,i1,j1,sc,1) ' display in red (1)
pause .2 ' needed to separate two touches
get_xy(xy,t_size,sc) ' get second touch
i2=xy(1) ! j2=xy(2)
if m(i2,j2)>0 then loop7 ' already been guessed
turns=turn(turns,t_size,sc) ' count turns and print them
if m(i1,j1)=m(i2,j2) then ' equal numbers!
m(i1,j1)=-m(i1,j1) ! m(i2,j2)=-m(i2,j2)
disp_vak(m,i2,j2,sc,0) ! disp_vak(m,i1,j1,sc,0)
disp_vak(m,i2,j2,sc,1) ! pause 1
fill_vak(i1,j1,sc,.5,.5,.5) ! fill_vak(i2,j2,sc,.5,.5,.5)
end if
if suc=t_size*t_size/2 then
draw text "Congratulations!!" at 5*sc,(10+12*t_size)*sc
pause 3 ! stop
end if
goto loop6
def turn(turns,t_size,sc)
turns=turns+1 ! t$=turns
y1=(5+12*t_size)*sc ! y2=(15+12*t_size)*sc
fill rect 5*sc,y1 to 40*sc,y2
draw text "turns : " & t$ at 5*sc,(5+12*t_size)*sc
end def
def disp_vak(m(,),i,j,sc,ind)
if ind=1 then
n$=-m(i,j) ! draw color .7,0,0
n$=m(i,j) ! draw color 0,.7,0
end if
draw text n$ at (12*i-6)*sc,(12*j-7)*sc
end def
def fill_vak(i,j,sc,r,g,b)
fill color r,g,b
fill rect (12*i-9)*sc,(12*j-9)*sc to (1+12*i)*sc,(1+12*j)*sc
end def
def get_xy(xy(),t_size,sc)
x=touch_x(0) ! y=touch_y(0) ! if y<0 then y=0
if x=-1 then loop_xy
xy(1)=1+floor(x/sc/12) ! xy(2)=1+floor(y/sc/12)
if xy(1)>t_size then xy(1)=t_size
if xy(2)>t_size then xy(2)=t_size
end def
def tab_gen(m(,),t_size,sc)
for k=1 to t_size*t_size/2
for d=1 to 2
loop5: i=1+rnd(t_size) ! j=1+rnd(t_size)
if m(i,j) then loop5 else m(i,j)=-k
next d
next k
draw size 3
for i=0 to t_size
draw line (2+12*i)*sc,2*sc to (2+12*i)*sc,(2+12*t_size)*sc
draw line 2*sc,(2+12*i)*sc to (2+12*t_size)*sc,(2+12*i)*sc
next i
end def
def disp(m(,),t_size,sc)
fill color .5,.5,.5
draw color 0,.5,0
draw font size 4*sc
graphics lock
for i=1 to t_size
for j=1 to t_size
if m(i,j)>0 then
draw text n$ at (12*i-6)*sc,(12*j-7)*sc
fill rect (12*i-9)*sc,(12*j-9)*sc to (1+12*i)*sc,(1+12*j)*sc
end if
next j
next i
graphics unlock
end def
def cls()
graphics clear .8,.8,.8
end def
file "test_mem" delete
fill color .8,.8,.8 ! draw color 0,0,0
maxx=screen_width() ! maxy=screen_height()
if maxx>maxy then
draw text "Please rotate to portrait" at 10,100
goto loop1
end if
draw text "Select size of tableau" at sc*10,sc*5
button "4" title "4x4" at sc*10,sc*20 size sc*15,40
button "6" title "6x6" at sc*40,sc*20 size sc*15,40
button "8" title "8x8" at sc*70,sc*20 size sc*15,40
for i=4 to 8 step 2
if button_pressed(i$) then loop3
next i
goto loop2
fill rect sc*10,sc*5 to sc*20,sc*8
button "4" delete ! button "6" delete ! button "8" delete !