' To be added in final version:
' - scenery
' - check on correct landings
' - wind
option angle degrees
option base 1
dim xy(2),airports(7,3),mes$(60)
read wl,bmax,b,bs,f,to,k,cdo
read clo,clm,dclf,dcdf,dcdg,fr
read dt,g,x,y,koers,breaks,gears,speed,relax,x,y
for i=1 to 7 ! for j=1 to 3 ! read airport(i,j) ! next j ! next i
data 20000,4000,1400,.0005,120,6000,.025,.033
data .22,2.2,.6,.2,.1,.05
data 1,9.81,0,0,90,3,1,1000,.3,45,50
data 45,50,90, 72.5,50,90, 12.5,82.5,230, 22.5,20,270
data 62.5,75,0, 60,27.5,40, 87.5,10,310
gosub init_prog
loop1: ' check the touch input methods
if xp=-1 then loop2
temp=gas_bar(xp,yp,0) ! if temp>-1 then gasn=temp
if b=0 then gasn=0
if att_panel(xp,yp,xy,v,h,0) then
tetn=40*xy(1) ! gamn=40*xy(2)
end if
temp=flaps_bar(xp,yp,0) ! if temp>-1 then flaps=temp
loop2: ' check the buttons input methods and process them
if button_pressed("rev") then
if reverse then
button "rev" title "REV!" at 20,908 size 50,40
button "rev" title "rev" at 20,908 size 50,40
end if
end if
if button_pressed("brk") then
fill rect 0,0 to maxx,395
if breaks then
button "brk" title "BREAKS!" at 470,745 size 120,40
button "brk" title "breaks" at 470,745 size 120,40
end if
end if
if button_pressed("gear") then
if gears=1 and h>0 then
button "gear" title "l.gear" at 610,745 size 120,40
goto loop3
end if
if gears=0 then
button "gear" title "L.GEAR!" at 610,745 size 120,40
end if
end if
if button_pressed("spo") then
dt=1 ! ttt=speed
end if
if button_pressed("sp+") then
if ttt>speed/4 then
ttt=0 ! dt=2*dt ! if dt>4 then dt=4
end if
end if
if button_pressed("sp-") then
if dt>1 then
if ttt=0 then ttt=speed/2 else ttt=2*ttt
end if
end if
for i=1 to 7
b$="b" & i
if button_pressed(b$) then
fill rect 437,876 to 505,894
fill rect 537,876 to 625,894
fill rect 657,876 to 735,894
if vor=0 then
vor=i ! button b$ title "B" & i at 442+38*i,910 size 29,29
vor_x=airport(i,1) ! vor_y=airport(i,2) ! appr=airport(i,3)
if i=vor then
vor=0 ! button b$ title i at 442+38*i,910 size 29,29
fill rect 657,876 to 735,894
vor_x=0 ! vor_y=0 ! appr=0
button "b" & vor title vor at 442+38*vor,910 size 29,29
vor=i ! button b$ title "B" & i at 442+38*i,910 size 29,29
vor_x=airport(i,1) ! vor_y=airport(i,2) ! appr=airport(i,3)
end if
end if
end if
next i
' slow down the iteration time
if timer()<ttt then loop1
reset timer
' flight model
gas=(1-relax)*gas+relax*gasn ! th=gas*rho*to
b=b-bs*th*dt ! w=wl+b ! m=w/g ! time=time+dt
tet=(1-relax)*tet+relax*tetn ! gam=(1-relax)*gam+relax*gamn
if vh=0 then bet=0 else bet=atan(vs/vh) ! alf=gam-bet
cl=clo+.1*alf ! if cl>clm then cl=clm ! cl=cl+flaps*dclf
lift=rho/16*v*v*f*cl ! drag=lift*cd/cl
if h=0 and lift<w and vh>0 then kh=kh-fr*(w-lift)
ahn=kh/m-breaks ! ah=(1-relax)*ah+relax*ahn
vh=vh+ah*dt ! if vh<0 then vh=0
x=x+vh*sin(koers)*dt/1000 ! y=y+vh*cos(koers)/1000
asn=kv/m ! if h=0 and asn<0 then asn=0 ! as=(1-relax)*as+relax*asn
vs=vs+as*dt ! if h=0 and vs<0 then vs=0
h=h+vs*dt ! if h<0 then h=0
if tet and v then koers=koers+57*lift*sin(tet)/m/v
if koers<0 then koers=koers+360 ! if koers>360 then koers=koers-360
' update the instruments
graphics lock ! ti$=t2a$(time)
fill rect 192,422 to 258,438 ! draw text n2a$(h,5,0) at 192,418
fill rect 187,589 to 263,605 ! draw text n2a$(vs,5,1) at 187,585
fill rect 438,427 to 504,443 ! draw text n2a$(koers,4,0) at 438,423
fill rect 428,588 to 514,607 ! draw text ti$ at 428,585
fill rect 722,432 to 748,598
if dy<25 then fill color 1,0,0 else fill color 0,.6,0
fill rect 722,598-dy to 748,598 ! fill color .8,.8,.8
graphics unlock
goto loop1
def pos_meter(bet,gam,tet,xv,yv,vor_x,vor_y,h,koers,appr)
graphics lock
fill color .71,.82,.9 ! fill circle 600,507 size 98
draw size 1 ! draw color .4,.4,.4
draw line 520,507 to 680,507
draw line 600,427 to 600,587
for i=0 to 160 step 20 ! y=427+i ! draw line 590,y to 610,y ! next i
draw size 2 ! draw color 0,0,1
for i=0 to 160 step 20 ! x=520+i ! draw line x,497 to x,517 ! next i
for i=0 to 120 step 20 ! y=447+i ! draw line 650,y to 670,y ! next i
draw color 0,0,0 ! fill color 0,0,0
yc=507-2*gam ! fill circle 600,yc size 6
dx=50*cos(tet) ! dy=50*sin(tet)
draw line 600-dx,yc-dy to 600+dx,yc+dy
draw color 0,.6,0 ! yc=507-2*bet
draw circle 600,yc size 8 ! draw line 592,yc+8 to 608,yc+8
draw color 0,0,0 ! fill color .8,.8,.8
if vor_x then
fill rect 430,795 to 700,817
if appr>99 then apr$=int(appr/10) else apr$="0" & int(appr/10)
draw text "approach - runway " & apr$ at 430,795
dx=vor_x-xv ! dy=vor_y-yv ! dme=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)
if dme<60 then
bear=bearing(dx,dy) ! afw=ap-bear
draw text n2a$(bear,4,0) at 444,873
draw text n2a$(dme,6,1) at 540,873
if dx*sin(koers)+dy*cos(koers)>0 then
draw text "TO" at 396,872
ap=appr+180 ! if ap>360 then ap=ap-360
draw color .7,0,0 ! draw text "FROM" at 384,872
draw color 0,0,0
end if
if dme<16 then
fill rect 657,876 to 735,894 ! draw text "ON" at 680,873
xp=600-afw ! if xp<516 then xp=516 ! if xp>684 then xp=684
a=1000*dme*tan(5.7) ! yp=30*(h-a)/a
if yp<-30 then yp=-30 ! if yp>30 then yp=30
xp=516 ! yp=574
fill rect 657,876 to 735,894 ! draw text "OFF" at 676,873
end if
vor_uit() ! xp=516 ! yp=574
end if
vor_uit() ! fill rect 430,795 to 700,817 ! xp=516 ! yp=574
end if
draw color .6,.35,0 ! fill color .6,.35,0
fill circle xp,530 size 4 ! draw line xp,530 to xp,460
draw line 648-10,yp-6 to 648,yp ! draw line 648-10,yp+6 to 648,yp
fill color .8,.8,.8 ! draw color 0,0,0
graphics unlock
end def
def bearing(dx,dy)
if dy=0 then
if dx>0 then bear=90 else bear=270
bear=atan(dx/dy) ! if dy<0 then bear=bear+180
if bear<0 then bear=bear+360
end if
end def
def vor_uit()
fill rect 437,876 to 505,894 ! fill rect 537,876 to 625,894
fill rect 384,870 to 434,892 ! fill rect 657,876 to 735,894
end def
def gas_bar(x,y,mode)
xt=30 ! yt=660 ! xb=60 ! yb=900
if mode=1 then
draw text "thrust" at 14,630
draw rect xt,yt to xb,yb
goto loop_gas1
end if
if x<xt or x>xb or y<yt or y>yb then
gas_bar=-1 ! return
end if
graphics lock
draw color 0,0,0
fill rect xt+2,yt+2 to xb-2, yb-2
draw size 2
for yl=680 to 880 step 20 ! draw line 37,yl to 53,yl ! next yl
draw size 1
for yl=690 to 870 step 20 ! draw line 40,yl to 50,yl ! next yl
if y<680 then y=680 ! if y>880 then y=880
draw size 6 !
if y<716 then draw color 1,0,0 else draw color 0,.6,0
draw line 35,y to 55,y ! draw color 0,0,0
graphics unlock
end def
def att_panel(x,y,xy(),v,h,mode)
xt=100 ! yt=660 ! xb=340 ! yb=900
graphics lock
if mode=1 then
draw size 4
draw text "pitch / bank" at 150,630
draw rect xt,yt to xb,yb
goto loop_att1
end if
if x<xt or x>xb or y<yt or y>yb then
att_panel=0 ! return
if x>214 and x<226 then x=220 ! if y>774 and y<786 then y=780
if v<30 then y=780 ! if h=0 then x=220
end if
draw color 0,0,0
fill rect xt+2,yt+2 to xb-2,yb-2
draw size 2
for yl=680 to 880 step 20 ! draw line 210,yl to 230,yl ! next yl
for xl=120 to 320 step 20 ! draw line xl,770 to xl,790 ! next xl
fill rect 198,758 to 242,802 ! draw circle 200,760 to 240,800
fill color 0,0,0 ! fill circle x-3,y-3 to x+3,y+3
fill color .8,.8,.8
xy(1)=(x-220)/120 ! xy(2)=(780-y)/120
graphics unlock
end def
def flaps_bar(x,y,mode)
xt=380 ! yt=660 ! xb=430 ! yb=780
graphics lock
if mode=1 then
draw text "flaps" at 375,630
draw size 4 ! draw rect xt,yt to xb,yb
goto loop_flap
end if
if x<xt or x>xb or y<yt or y>yb then
flaps_bar=-1 ! return
end if
fill rect xt+2,yt+2 to xb-2, yb-2
draw size 2
for yl=680 to 760 step 20 ! draw line 390,yl to 420,yl ! next yl
draw size 1
for yl=690 to 750 step 20 ! draw line 395,yl to 415,yl ! next yl
if y<680 then y=680 ! if y>760 then y=760
draw size 6 ! draw color 0,0,1
draw line 385,y to 425,y ! draw color 0,0,0
graphics unlock
end def
def cls()
graphics clear .8,.8,.8
end def
def n2a$(num,lang,dec)
b$=" "
if tot<1 then tot=1
a$=substr$(b$,1,tot) & num$
end def
def w_open (title$,xtop,ytop,xbot,ybot)
r=10 ! draw color 0,0,0 ! draw size 4
graphics lock
draw circle xtop,ytop to xtop+20,ytop+20
draw circle xbot-20,ytop to xbot,ytop+20
draw circle xtop,ybot-20 to xtop+20,ybot
draw circle xbot-20,ybot-20 to xbot,ybot
draw line xtop+r,ytop to xbot-r,ytop
draw line xtop+r,ybot to xbot-r,ybot
draw line xtop,ytop+r to xtop,ybot-r
draw line xbot,ytop+r to xbot,ybot-r
fill rect xtop+r,ytop+2 to xbot-r,ybot-2
fill rect xtop+2,ytop+r to xbot-2,ybot-r
if title$<>"" then
draw line xtop,ytop+24 to xbot,ytop+24
draw color 0,0,1
draw text title$ at xtop+l,ytop-2
draw color 0,0,0
end if
graphics unlock
end def
def test (in$,in)
fill rect 30,900 to 400,940
a$="test " & in$ & in
draw text a$ at 30,900
button "cont" title "doorgaan ?" at 440,890
if button_pressed("cont")=0 then goto loopje
button "cont" delete
fill rect 30,900 to 400,940
end def
def rmeter(tit$,col$,xc,yc,rad,minval,maxval,val,mode)
if mode=-1 then
fill circle xc,yc size rad+2
end if
graphics lock
if mode=0 then mode_0
draw size 3 ! draw circle xc,yc size rad
draw size 4 ! draw circle xc,yc size rad-6
draw size 3 ! draw circle xc,yc size rad-3
draw arc xc,yc,rad-50,130,410
draw size 3
for a=130 to 410 step 28
xs=xc+(rad-50)*cos(a) ! ys=yc+(rad-50)*sin(a)
xe=xc+(rad-42)*cos(a) ! ye=yc+(rad-42)*sin(a)
draw line xs,ys to xe,ye
next a
draw size 1
for a=130 to 410 step 7
xs=xc+(rad-50)*cos(a) ! ys=yc+(rad-50)*sin(a)
xe=xc+(rad-44)*cos(a) ! ye=yc+(rad-44)*sin(a)
draw line xs,ys to xe,ye
next a
delta=(maxval-minval)/10 ! sval=minval
draw font size 15
for a=130 to 410 step 28
xs=xc+(rad-25)*cos(a)-23 ! ys=yc+(rad-25)*sin(a)-10
draw text n2a$(sval,3,0) at xs,ys
next a
draw font size 20
fill circle xc,yc size rad-52
xs=xc+(rad-40)*cos(123) ! ys=yc+(rad-40)*sin(123)
fill circle xc,yc size 10 ! draw text tit$ at xs,ys
if val<minval then val=minval
if val>maxval then val=maxval
xs=xc-30*cos(beta) ! ys=yc-30*sin(beta)
xe=xc+(rad-54)*cos(beta) ! ye=yc+(rad-54)*sin(beta)
draw size 6 ! draw line xs,ys to xe,ye
graphics unlock
end def
def set_col(col$)
if col$="r" or col$="R" then
draw color 1,0,0 ! fill color 1,0,0
end if
if col$="g" or col$="G" then
draw color 0,1,0 ! fill color 0,1,0
end if
if col$="b" or col$="B" then
draw color 0,0,1 ! fill color 0,0,1
end if
if col$="n" or col$="N" then
draw color 0,0,0 ! fill color .8,.8,.8
end if
def put_mes(nmes,tt$,m$())
nmes=nmes+1 ! if nmes>60 then nmes=60
for k=nmes-1 to 1 step -1
next k
end def
def t2a$(t)
u=int(t/3600) ! t=t-3600*u
m=int(t/60) ! s=t-60*m
t2a$=u & "|" & m & "|" & s
end def
maxx=screen_width() ! maxy=screen_height()
graphics ! cls ! fill color .8,.8,.8 ! draw color 0,0,0
w_open("Instrument flight VOR/ILS",380,824,maxx-14,946)
graphics lock
button "rev" title "rev" at 20,908 size 50,40
draw text "sim speed" at 540,630
button "sp-" title "/2" at 470,660 size 80,40
button "spo" title "live" at 560,660 size 80,60
button "sp+" title "x2" at 650,660 size 80,40
button "brk" title "BREAKS!" at 470,745 size 120,40
button "gear" title "L.GEAR!" at 610,745 size 120,40
for i=1 to 7
button "b" & i title i at 442+38*i,910 size 29,29
next i
draw size 4 ! draw circle 600,507 size 100
draw size 2 ! draw rect 190,420 to 260,440
draw text "alt" at 208,398
draw rect 185,587 to 265,607
draw text "climb" at 194,563
draw rect 436,425 to 506,445
draw text "heading" at 430,400
draw rect 426,587 to 516,608
draw text "time" at 447,563
draw size 3 ! draw rect 720,430 to 750,600
draw text "fuel" at 710,402
draw font size 15 ! draw size 2
draw text "airport ->" at 384,915
draw rect 436,875 to 506,895
draw text "bearing" at 438,855
draw rect 536,875 to 626,895
draw text "DME" at 565,855
draw rect 656,875 to 736,895
draw text "ILS on/off" at 650,855
draw font size 20
graphics unlock
reset timer
def tekst()
draw text "This is a preview of my flightsim, it's about 2/3 finished." at 20,20
draw text "It can by far not compete with commercial app's like x-plane," at 20,40
draw text "but it's just fun to program a flightsim." at 20,60
draw text "The text here will be replaced by a (rather simple) scenery," at 20,80
draw text "wich must be designed carefully, because of the calculation " at 20,100
draw text "load imposed. So, without a scenery you can only make " at 20,120
draw text "IFR instrument flights." at 20,140
draw text "At the moment the flying area is a 100x100 km world," at 20,160
draw text "containing 7 airfields. The position (x and y km) and the" at 20,180
draw text "approach direction of the runway can be found in the DIM" at 20,200
draw text "statement." at 20,220
draw text "To start a flight, release the breaks and hit the throttle" at 20,250
draw text "At 100+ km/hr you can use the stick (pitch/bank) to" at 20,270
draw text "rotate the aircraft. At about 160 km/hr you can get airborne," at 20,290
draw text "and bank the craft to change the heading into the desired" at 20,310
draw text "destination. Change the simulation speed only during rather" at 20,330
draw text "stable flight conditions." at 20,350
draw text "Well, no more space for explanations for the time beiing." at 20,370
end def
Preview flight simulator
- Mr. Kibernetik
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- Posts: 4787
- Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:16 pm
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- Location: Russia
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Re: Preview flight simulator
This will be something great...
Re: Preview flight simulator
Great job!!!. It includes a FPV (Flight path vector!!!). Really hard work. I like it!!!
- Mr. Kibernetik
- Site Admin
- Posts: 4787
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Re: Preview flight simulator
Probably when 3D graphics support will be available, your simulator will get new opportunities...
- Posts: 816
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Re: Preview flight simulator
It surely would. What kind of 3d support are you thinking of? Translation/rotation/scaling of poly-planes in 3D?
- Mr. Kibernetik
- Site Admin
- Posts: 4787
- Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:16 pm
- My devices: iPhone, iPad, MacBook
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Re: Preview flight simulator
Actually we can discuss it.
But right now I can tell that 3D objects loading (something like .OBJ format) and its render in graphics view will be available.
But right now I can tell that 3D objects loading (something like .OBJ format) and its render in graphics view will be available.