Moving box with finger Swipes method (advice request)
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:13 pm
This code example works I guess, so I'll post it here, but I'd mostly like advice on how to make it better.
This is for a new puzzle game where you navigate a box through a maze. You swipe your finger up/down/left/right to move the box on the screen. The red box will stop it the blue box from moving (hitting a wall).
it works most of the time, but sometimes when swiping , it will mysteriously go the wrong way. I must not be getting x,y touch values properly. any Help will be most welcomed.
- Dav
This is for a new puzzle game where you navigate a box through a maze. You swipe your finger up/down/left/right to move the box on the screen. The red box will stop it the blue box from moving (hitting a wall).
it works most of the time, but sometimes when swiping , it will mysteriously go the wrong way. I must not be getting x,y touch values properly. any Help will be most welcomed.
- Dav
Code: Select all
'move blue box by swiping finger up/down/left/right.
'red box will stop blue box (wall) and you have to
'navigate around it.
Code by Dav, JAN/2017
get screen size sw,sh
refresh off
'braw blue box
fill color 0,0,1
fill rect 0,0 to 50,50
sprite "s" scan 0,0,50,50
sprite "s" show
sprite "s" at 300,300
'draw red box
fill color 1,0,0
fill rect 0,0 to 50,200
sprite "r" scan 0,0,50,200
sprite "r" show
sprite "r" at 400,0
graphics clear 0,0,0
refresh on
draw text "move box by swiping finger " at 50,50
draw text "navigate around rex box" at 50,100
SwipeDistance= sw/4 'how far to swipe
'wait for no fingers down
while touch_x(0)>-1 ! end while
'if first touch..
get touch 0 as tx,ty
'if screen touched
if tx>-1 then
'while finger down...
while touch_x(0)>-1
'poll x & y locations
movx=touch_x(0) ! newx= movx-tx
movy=touch_y(0) ! newy= movy-ty
'move sprite right
if newx >SwipeDistance then
get sprite "s" pos sx,sy
for x=sx to sw-50
'if not hotting red box
if not sprites_collide("s","r") then
sprite "s" at x,sy
pause .0001
sprite "s" at x-2,sy
goto top
end if
next x
goto top
end if
if newx <-SwipeDistance then
get sprite "s" pos sx,sy
for x=sx to 0 step -1
if not sprites_collide("s","r") then
sprite "s" at x,sy
pause .0001
sprite "s" at x+2,sy
goto top
end if
next x
goto top
end if
if newy >SwipeDistance then
get sprite "s" pos sx,sy
for y=sy to sh-50
if not sprites_collide("s","r") then
sprite "s" at sx,y
pause .0001
sprite "s" at sx,y-2
goto top
end if
next y
goto top
end if
if newy <-SwipeDistance then
get sprite "s" pos sx,sy
for y=sy to 0 step -1
if not sprites_collide("s","r") then
sprite "s" at sx,y
pause .0001
sprite "s" at sx,y+2
goto top
end if
next y
goto top
end if
end while
end if
until 0