Fill a can with a given quantity (old game)
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:04 am
option base 1 ! randomize
graphics ! graphics clear ! draw color 0,0,0
dim vm(3),vo(3),v(3),val(9),sol(5,2)
loop: slowdown
if bp("reset") then reset_cans(vm,v)
if bp("sol") then
for i=1 to k_ind
draw text sol(i,1) & "->" & sol(i,2) at 270-60*k_ind+120*i,820
next i
end if
get touch 0 as xt,yt ! if xt=-1 then loop
for i=1 to 3
xo=200*i-100 ! ye=700-30*vm(i)
if xt>xo and xt<xo+120 and yt<700 and yt>ye then break
next i
if i=4 then loop else pause .3
if select=0 then
select=i ! goto loop
end if
if select=i then
select=0 ! goto loop
end if
q=trans(select,i) ! v(select)-=q ! v(i)+=q
select=0 ! pause .3
if not done then loop
def reset_cans(vm(),v())
for i=1 to 3 ! v(i)=.vo(i) ! next i ! draw_cans(vm,v)
end def
def draw_cans(vm(),v())
for i=1 to 3 ! draw_can(vm(i),v(i),200*i-100,700,1) ! next i
end def
def draw_can(size,vol,x,y,alfa)
t=12 ! draw size t ! draw color .3,.3,.3
h=30*size ! w=120 ! tt=t/2
fill rect x-tt+1,y+tt-1 to x+w+tt-1,y-h
draw alpha alfa ! fill alpha alfa
draw line x,y to x,y-h
draw line x-tt,y to x+w+tt,y
draw line x+w,y to x+w,y-h
draw size 2 ! draw line x-tt,y-h to x+w+tt,y-h
fill rect x+tt,y-tt to x+w-tt,y-h+2
fill color .9,.9,0
if vol then fill rect x+tt,y-tt to x+w-tt,y-30*vol
fill color 1,1,1
for i=1 to size ! ym=y-30*i ! draw line xm,ym to xm+t,ym ! next i
end def
def done
for i=1 to 3 ! if .v(i) then break ! next i
if i>3 then return 0
draw color 0,0,1 ! draw text .target & "!" at 200*i-58,612
return 1
end def
def bp(a$) = button_pressed(a$)
def trans(i,j) = min(.v(i),.vm(j)-.v(j))
def init_prog
for i=1 to 5 ! read .diff$(i) ! next i
for i=1 to 3 ! read .vm(i),.vo(i) ! .v(i)=.vo(i) ! next i
for i=1 to 7 ! read .val(i) ! next i
for i=1 to 5 ! for j=1 to 2 ! read .sol(i,j) ! next j ! next i
data "little kids","easy","moderate","difficult","irritating"
data 5,3, 8,5, 8,5
data 0,2,8,6,7,1,4
data 2,3, 3,1, 1,2, 3,1, 1,2
draw font size 30
draw text "Pour cans into other cans and try to get" at 20,10
draw text "the indicated quantity in one of the cans" at 20,40
draw text "with the least amount of operations." at 60,70
draw font size 20
draw text "first touch the can to pour from, then touch" at 80,110
draw text " the can to pour into" at 230,130
draw color 0,0,1
draw text "choose difficulty level" at 230,180
for i=1 to 5 ! button i text .diff$(i) at 140*i-120,220 size 120,30 ! next i
wait: slowdown
for k=1 to 5 ! if bp(""&k) then break ! next k
if k>5 then wait
button "6" title "^" at 140*k-70,260 size 20,25 ! .k_ind=k
if k=1 then .target=.val(1+rnd(3))
for i=2 to 5 ! if k=i then .target=.val(i+2) ! next i
draw font size 30
draw text "Try to produce a can with " & .target & " liters." at 50,320
button "reset" title "reset" at 200,740 size 120,50
button "sol" title "solution" at 400,740 size 120,50
end def
graphics ! graphics clear ! draw color 0,0,0
dim vm(3),vo(3),v(3),val(9),sol(5,2)
loop: slowdown
if bp("reset") then reset_cans(vm,v)
if bp("sol") then
for i=1 to k_ind
draw text sol(i,1) & "->" & sol(i,2) at 270-60*k_ind+120*i,820
next i
end if
get touch 0 as xt,yt ! if xt=-1 then loop
for i=1 to 3
xo=200*i-100 ! ye=700-30*vm(i)
if xt>xo and xt<xo+120 and yt<700 and yt>ye then break
next i
if i=4 then loop else pause .3
if select=0 then
select=i ! goto loop
end if
if select=i then
select=0 ! goto loop
end if
q=trans(select,i) ! v(select)-=q ! v(i)+=q
select=0 ! pause .3
if not done then loop
def reset_cans(vm(),v())
for i=1 to 3 ! v(i)=.vo(i) ! next i ! draw_cans(vm,v)
end def
def draw_cans(vm(),v())
for i=1 to 3 ! draw_can(vm(i),v(i),200*i-100,700,1) ! next i
end def
def draw_can(size,vol,x,y,alfa)
t=12 ! draw size t ! draw color .3,.3,.3
h=30*size ! w=120 ! tt=t/2
fill rect x-tt+1,y+tt-1 to x+w+tt-1,y-h
draw alpha alfa ! fill alpha alfa
draw line x,y to x,y-h
draw line x-tt,y to x+w+tt,y
draw line x+w,y to x+w,y-h
draw size 2 ! draw line x-tt,y-h to x+w+tt,y-h
fill rect x+tt,y-tt to x+w-tt,y-h+2
fill color .9,.9,0
if vol then fill rect x+tt,y-tt to x+w-tt,y-30*vol
fill color 1,1,1
for i=1 to size ! ym=y-30*i ! draw line xm,ym to xm+t,ym ! next i
end def
def done
for i=1 to 3 ! if .v(i) then break ! next i
if i>3 then return 0
draw color 0,0,1 ! draw text .target & "!" at 200*i-58,612
return 1
end def
def bp(a$) = button_pressed(a$)
def trans(i,j) = min(.v(i),.vm(j)-.v(j))
def init_prog
for i=1 to 5 ! read .diff$(i) ! next i
for i=1 to 3 ! read .vm(i),.vo(i) ! .v(i)=.vo(i) ! next i
for i=1 to 7 ! read .val(i) ! next i
for i=1 to 5 ! for j=1 to 2 ! read .sol(i,j) ! next j ! next i
data "little kids","easy","moderate","difficult","irritating"
data 5,3, 8,5, 8,5
data 0,2,8,6,7,1,4
data 2,3, 3,1, 1,2, 3,1, 1,2
draw font size 30
draw text "Pour cans into other cans and try to get" at 20,10
draw text "the indicated quantity in one of the cans" at 20,40
draw text "with the least amount of operations." at 60,70
draw font size 20
draw text "first touch the can to pour from, then touch" at 80,110
draw text " the can to pour into" at 230,130
draw color 0,0,1
draw text "choose difficulty level" at 230,180
for i=1 to 5 ! button i text .diff$(i) at 140*i-120,220 size 120,30 ! next i
wait: slowdown
for k=1 to 5 ! if bp(""&k) then break ! next k
if k>5 then wait
button "6" title "^" at 140*k-70,260 size 20,25 ! .k_ind=k
if k=1 then .target=.val(1+rnd(3))
for i=2 to 5 ! if k=i then .target=.val(i+2) ! next i
draw font size 30
draw text "Try to produce a can with " & .target & " liters." at 50,320
button "reset" title "reset" at 200,740 size 120,50
button "sol" title "solution" at 400,740 size 120,50
end def