PegSolitare v1.0 - Classic Peg puzzle game (iPad only)

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PegSolitare v1.0 - Classic Peg puzzle game (iPad only)

Post by Dav »

I adapted my frogjump game to make a classic peg solitare jump game. I tried to make it look classic. It's for iPad only right now, just didn't have time to make it all device compatible. I'm posting it now anyway. Hope you enjoy it!

- Dav

Code: Select all

'PegSolitare.txt v1.0 (ipad only)
'Classic peg puzzle game
'Coded by Dav, SEP/2017

'Note: Sorry, this is for ipad only right now.
'I'll finish making it 'all devices' later this
'week, maybe, if I have time....

'initialize program
option base 1
set toolbar off
get orientation ort
set orientation vertical
get screen size sw,sh
rw=sw/768!rh=sh/1024  'all device fix



graphics clear .2,.2,.2
set buttons custom

'draw background texture
draw alpha .3
draw font size 100 
draw color 0,0,0
'a litte background
for x=1 to sw step 61
   for y =1 to sh step 102
      draw text chr$(9619) at x,y
   next y
next x
draw alpha 1

'draw title...
shadow on
peg$=chr$(9439)&chr$(9428)&chr$(9430) 'peg emoji
draw color .3,.3,.3
draw font size 56
draw text peg$ at 295,25
draw color .5,.5,.5
draw text peg$ at 293,23
draw font size 44
draw text "SOLITARE" at 279,74
shadow off

'draw board background
fill color .4,.4,.4! fill rect 244,180 to 524,788
fill color .8,.8,.8 ! fill rect 264,200 to 504,770
fill color .4,.4,.4!fill rect 84,330 to 688,642
fill color .8,.8,.8!fill rect 104,346 to 668,622

'black ball, empty ball

'make an array for button data, 35 places
dim bv$(35)!for t=1 to 35!bv$(t)=x$!next t
'mark center as empty

gosub makebuttons


gosub drawboard
gosub checkifmovesleft


  for t=1 to 33
    if button_pressed(str$(t)) then 

       'if first choice...
       if selected=0 then
          'only select an x$ pad
          if bv$(t)=x$ then
             selected=1 ! selbtn=t ! but(t)
             'show jump options
             if showjumps=1 then
                show=1!gosub checkandmove!show=0
             end if
             if sound=1 then
                notes set "120:sg7"!notes play
             end if
             goto second  'now get second choice
          end if

       else  'making second choice
          'only jump to blank pads
          if bv$(t)=o$ then
            gosub checkandmove
            goto main
            'clear previous highlighted btn
            selected=0!gosub drawboard!selected=1
            'set new one now...
             'show jump options
             if showjumps=1 then
                show=1!gosub checkandmove!show=0
             end if
            if sound=1 then
               notes set "120:sg7"!notes play
            end if
            goto second
          end if
       end if
    end if
  next t

  if button_pressed("restart") then goto restart
  if button_pressed("jumps") then
     if showjumps=1 then
     end if
     gosub makebuttons
  end if
  if button_pressed("quit") then
     set orientation ort ! end
  end if
  if button_pressed("sound") then
     if sound=1 then
     end if
     gosub makebuttons
  end if
  if button_pressed("quit") then
     set orientation ort ! end
  end if
until 0




for b=1 to 33
next b



'make a restart button
set buttons custom
set buttons font size 36*rw
draw color 0,0,0
fill color 1,1,.8
button "restart" text "Restart" at 325*rw,900*rh

'make a quit button
draw color 0,0,0
fill color 1,.5,.5
button "quit" text "Quit" at 25*rw,25*rh

'make sound on/off button
if sound=0 then
   fill color .3,.3,.3
   button "sound" text "Sound=Off" at 25*rw,900*rh
   fill color .6,.6,.6
   button "sound" text "Sound=On" at 25*rw,900*rh
end if

'make show jump on/off button
if showjumps=0 then
   fill color .3,.3,.3
   button "jumps" text "Jumps=Off" at 550*rw,900*rh
   fill color .6,.6,.6
   button "jumps" text "Jumps=On" at 550*rw,900*rh
end if


def but(n) 'draws puzzle buttons

draw color .8,.8,.8
set buttons font size 70*.rw

if .selected = 1 then
   fill color 1,1,.9
   fill color .8,.8,.8
end if

if n=1 then button n text .bv$(n) at 264*.rw,210*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=2 then button n text .bv$(n) at 344*.rw,210*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=3 then button n text .bv$(n) at 424*.rw,210*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=4 then button n text .bv$(n) at 264*.rw,290*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=5 then button n text .bv$(n) at 344*.rw,290*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=6 then button n text .bv$(n) at 424*.rw,290*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=7 then button n text .bv$(n) at 104*.rw,370*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=8 then button n text .bv$(n) at 184*.rw,370*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=9 then button n text .bv$(n) at 264*.rw,370*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=10 then button n text .bv$(n) at 344*.rw,370*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=11 then button n text .bv$(n) at 424*.rw,370*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=12 then button n text .bv$(n) at 504*.rw,370*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=13 then button n text .bv$(n) at 584*.rw,370*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=14 then button n text .bv$(n) at 104*.rw,450*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=15 then button n text .bv$(n) at 184*.rw,450*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=16 then button n text .bv$(n) at 264*.rw,450*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=17 then button n text .bv$(n) at 344*.rw,450*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=18 then button n text .bv$(n) at 424*.rw,450*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=19 then button n text .bv$(n) at 504*.rw,450*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=20 then button n text .bv$(n) at 584*.rw,450*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=21 then button n text .bv$(n) at 104*.rw,530*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=22 then button n text .bv$(n) at 184*.rw,530*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=23 then button n text .bv$(n) at 264*.rw,530*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=24 then button n text .bv$(n) at 344*.rw,530*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=25 then button n text .bv$(n) at 424*.rw,530*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=26 then button n text .bv$(n) at 504*.rw,530*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=27 then button n text .bv$(n) at 584*.rw,530*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=28 then button n text .bv$(n) at 264*.rw,610*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=29 then button n text .bv$(n) at 344*.rw,610*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=30 then button n text .bv$(n) at 424*.rw,610*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=31 then button n text .bv$(n) at 264*.rw,690*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=32 then button n text .bv$(n) at 344*.rw,690*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh
if n=33 then button n text .bv$(n) at 424*.rw,690*.rh size 80*.rw,80*.rh

end def

'selbtn = first selected button
't = the second selected button (destination)

'====== logic for btn 1
if selbtn=1 then
  'go from 1 to 4, jumping over 2,etc...
  if t=3 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(1,2,3)
  if t=9 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(1,4,9)
end if

'====== logic for btn 2
if selbtn=2 then
   if t=10 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(2,5,10)
end if

'====== logic for btn 3
if selbtn=3 then
  if t=1 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(3,2,1)
  if t=11 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(3,6,11)
end if

'====== logic for btn 4
if selbtn=4 then
  if t=6 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(4,5,6)
  if t=16 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(4,9,16)
end if

'====== logic for btn 5
if selbtn=5 then
  if t=17 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(5,10,17)
end if

'====== logic for btn 6
if selbtn=6 then
  if t=4 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(6,5,4)
  if t=18 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(6,11,18)
end if

'====== logic for btn 7
if selbtn=7 then
  if t=9 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(7,8,9)
  if t=21 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(7,14,21)
end if

'====== logic for btn 8
if selbtn=8 then
  if t=10 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(8,9,10)
  if t=22 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(8,15,22)
end if

'====== logic for btn 9
if selbtn=9 then
  if t=1 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(9,4,1)
  if t=11 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(9,10,11)
  if t=7 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(9,8,7)
  if t=23 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(9,16,23)
end if

'====== logic for btn 10
if selbtn=10 then
  if t=8 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(10,9,8)
  if t=2 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(10,5,2)
  if t=12 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(10,11,12)
  if t=24 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(10,17,24)
end if

'====== logic for btn 11
if selbtn=11 then
  if t=13 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(11,12,13)
  if t=3 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(11,6,3)
  if t=9 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(11,10,9)
  if t=25 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(11,18,25)
end if

'====== logic for btn 12
if selbtn=12 then
  if t=10 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(12,11,10)
  if t=26 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(12,19,26)
end if

'====== logic for btn 13
if selbtn=13 then
  if t=11 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(13,12,11)
  if t=27 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(13,20,27)
end if

'====== logic for btn 14
if selbtn=14 then
  if t=16 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(14,15,16)
end if

'====== logic for btn 15
if selbtn=15 then
  if t=17 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(15,16,17)
end if

'====== logic for btn 16
if selbtn=16 then
  if t=14 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(16,15,14)
  if t=4 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(16,9,4)
  if t=18 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(16,17,18)
  if t=28 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(16,23,28)
end if

'====== logic for btn 17
if selbtn=17 then
  if t=19 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(17,18,19)
  if t=15 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(17,16,15)
  if t=5 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(17,10,5)
  if t=29 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(17,24,29)
end if

'====== logic for btn 18
if selbtn=18 then
  if t=20 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(18,19,20)
  if t=16 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(18,17,16)
  if t=6 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(18,11,6)
  if t=30 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(18,25,30)
end if

'====== logic for btn 19
if selbtn=19 then
  if t=17 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(19,18,17)
end if

'====== logic for btn 20
if selbtn=20 then
  if t=18 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(20,19,18)
end if

'====== logic for btn 21
if selbtn=21 then
  if t=23 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(21,22,23)
  if t=7 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(21,14,7)
end if

'====== logic for btn 22
if selbtn=22 then
  if t=24 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(22,23,24)
  if t=8 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(22,15,8)
end if

'====== logic for btn 23
if selbtn=23 then
  if t=25 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(23,24,25)
  if t=21 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(23,22,21)
  if t=9 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(23,16,9)
  if t=31 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(23,28,31)
end if

'====== logic for btn 24
if selbtn=24 then
  if t=26 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(24,25,26)
  if t=22 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(24,23,22)
  if t=10 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(24,17,10)
  if t=32 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(24,29,32)
end if

'====== logic for btn 25
if selbtn=25 then
  if t=27 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(25,26,27)
  if t=23 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(25,24,23)
  if t=11 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(25,18,11)
  if t=33 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(25,30,33)
end if

'====== logic for btn 26
if selbtn=26 then
  if t=24 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(26,25,24)
  if t=12 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(26,19,12)
end if

'====== logic for btn 27
if selbtn=27 then
  if t=25 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(27,26,25)
  if t=13 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(27,20,13)
end if

'====== logic for btn 28
if selbtn=28 then
  if t=30 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(28,29,30)
  if t=16 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(28,23,16)
end if

'====== logic for btn 29
if selbtn=29 then
  if t=17 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(29,24,17)
end if

'====== logic for btn 30
if selbtn=30 then
  if t=28 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(30,29,28)
  if t=18 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(30,25,18)
end if

'====== logic for btn 31
if selbtn=31 then
  if t=33 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(31,32,33)
  if t=23 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(31,28,23)
end if

'====== logic for btn 32
if selbtn=32 then
  if t=24 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(32,29,24)
end if

'====== logic for btn 33
if selbtn=33 then
  if t=25 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(33,30,25)
  if t=31 or show=1 or moves=1 then jump(33,32,31)
end if



moves=1 'check move flag on
for selbtn=1 to 33 'checl all buttons
   gosub checkandmove
next selbtn
moves=0 'turn off flag

'if no moves left, game over
if movesleft= 0 then 
    'count how many left
    for b=1 to 33
      if bv$(b)=x$ then bc=bc+1
    next b
    'show number
    set buttons font size 36*rw
    draw color 1,1,1
    fill color 0,0,1
    if bc>1 then
       tx$=str$(bc)&" left. Not bad."
       tx$=str$(bc)&" left. Awesome!"
    end if
    button "over" text tx$ at 260*rw,(sh/2-100)*rh
    'notes set "111:h(d3fa)(dga#)(dfa)"
    'notes play ! pause 3
    button "over" delete
    goto restart
end if


def jump(s,j,d)
  'This little function reduced code size 40%.
  'Does the jump if possible, and alters button array data.
  'If show flag on, just highlight button instead.
  'If moves flag on, see if move possible, but dont move.
  's=first selected button
  'j=button to jump over
  'd=destination button
    if .moves=1 then
       if .bv$(s)=.x$ and .bv$(j)=.x$ and .bv$(d)=.o$ then
          .movesleft=1 ! return
       end if
    end if
    if .bv$(j)=.x$ then
       if .show=1 then
         if .bv$(d)=.o$ then but(d)
       end if
       if .show=0 and .moves=0 then
         if .sound=1 then
            notes set "120:sa6"!notes play
         end if
       end if
    end if
end def
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Re: PegSolitare v1.0 - Classic Peg puzzle game (iPad only)

Post by Henko »

26 left, not bad 😂😂
IMG_1418.PNG (316.78 KiB) Viewed 2139 times

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