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New colour functions

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:50 pm
by Dutchman
I have made a colour selection function 'Palet(tint)' in which a single parameter 'tint' selects a fully saturated colour of maximum intensity from the full range of colours.
The simple version of the Palet-function is applied in coloured versions of the 'Fractal' and 'Fractaler' programs from the Examples-folder.
In the extended version of the Palet-function the following parameters are added: 'Saturation', 'Brighten" and 'Intensity'
Two demo-programs are included:
- 'Palette Demo' displays a number of coloured disks of which the parametrs can be set in the beginning of the program.
- The program 'Palette Parameters' clarifies how the different parameters operate. In the top of the display the colour-selection curves are displayed as a function of the parameter 'tint' together with the generated spectrum.
Sample screenshots of the coloured fractal programs are added
The folder can be accessed via:
The file - ReadMe.txt gives detailed info
The following screenshot is of the program 'Palette Parameters'
Screenshot of "Palette Parameters"
Screenshot of "Palette Parameters"
1.PNG (90.32 KiB) Viewed 4997 times
Another colour 'design'-program is 'Pastel colours' in which colours are generated with constant luminance level.
Screenshot of "Pastel colours"
Screenshot of "Pastel colours"
2.PNG (76.05 KiB) Viewed 4997 times
After finishing the selected colour is written to Clipboard:
Exit message
Exit message
3.PNG (62.94 KiB) Viewed 4997 times
Both programs have a test-variable 'Smallscreen' which, if set to 1, will give a simulation of iPhone-size:
Simulation of iPhone-size
Simulation of iPhone-size
4.PNG (76 KiB) Viewed 4997 times
Information on background and usage and can be found in the file "- ReadMe"

Re: Colour Palette

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:24 am
by Mr. Kibernetik
Great applications! Bravo!
Colored fractal is also very nice!

I made a modification of Palette Demo, attached here. Do you like it? ;)

Re: Colour Palette

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:05 pm
by Dutchman
Nice variant, but the non-graphic mode was not correct.
The display of the numbers was the main reason to make that demo :D
I repaired it and added the file to the folder on DropBox.
It is also attached to this post
Thank you.

Re: Colour Palette

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:39 pm
by Dutchman
Hi Mr Kibernetik,
Thanks for the new version 3.7.
I feel honored that palette functions are included in the example gallery.
The included version of "Palette Demo Pie.txt" however is not correct.
The non-graphic mode is not correct. Set "Graph=0' in the first line of the program for the non-graphics mode.
In my previous post you find the corrected version 1.2

Re: Colour Palette

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 6:49 pm
by Mr. Kibernetik
Thank you for your note, Dutchman!
I will replace it with your newer version.

Re: Colour Palette

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:09 pm
by Dutchman
I discovered that "Palette Parameters" needed some repair. :evil:
Probably due to changes in SB-version or device. (from iPad-1 to iPad-Air)
Furthermore I added display of slider-values, so that you can see e.g. the 'tint'-value for the desired colour.
The program-file AND screenshot have been updated.

Re: Colour Palette

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:45 pm
by rbytes
A very useful update. Thanks!

Re: Colour Palette and Pastel colours

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:38 pm
by Dutchman
I have adapted "Palette Parameters" such that it functions also with iPhone-size. I could only simulate it. Please let me know if it is OK on iPhone.
Another 'Colour-design' program is added "Pastel colours", which generate colours with identical luminance levels.
Both programs write the selected colour to Clipboard on exit.
Files are updated, inclusive "- ReadMe."
Also the first post in this topic has been updated, inclusive screenshots.

Re: Colour Palette and Pastel colours

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:36 pm
by rbytes
Just trying the apps on my iPad. Pastel Colors is nice, but there is a problem with the luminance slider. Just when it is dragged down to the 0 end of its track, luminance jumps to full as it reaches 0.

I will test everything on my iPhone 6 tonight and let you know how it fits.

Re: Colour Palette and Pastel colours

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:58 am
by Dutchman
No it is OK. It jumps to luminance=0.5 because 'colour' without luminance is no colour and it indicates that the constant 'Lum' in the function has to be set. You can adapt the function and remove the relevant 'IF'-statement. ;)