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Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:15 am
by DrChip

Code: Select all

rem Tricky v3
rem iPhone 6 Plus / iOS 8.3 b4
rem This is from my son Digit. He's 12...
rem adjust bs to device. 64 - iphone, 128 ipad
rem v3 fixed scoller and block size
rem Enjoy...

' Some basic stuff..

  dim block(10, 8)
  bs=64 ' size of the block larger for ipad
  message$ = "                                Hey, where's my coke? Thanks. Oh, welcome to Tricky, my fun little demo! I (Digit) have done this, in case you didn't know it already.. I hope you like it! Bye!                                "

  length = len(message$)

' Somekind of intro..

    refresh off
    graphics clear 31/255,31/255,31/255

    for what = 0 to 31
      draw color 0, (what * 8)/255, 0
      draw text "Digit presents" at sw/4, (what + 20)
    next what

    draw color 1,1,1
    draw text "Digit presents" at sw/4, 20+31

    draw color 1, 0, 1
    draw text "..Tricky.." at sw/3, 51+22

    draw color 0, 1, 0
    draw text "Touch to Start" at 0, sh-20

    refresh on
  until touch_x(0) <> -1

    refresh off
    graphics clear 

' Graphics!

    for what = 0 to 31
      x_slower = x_slower - 1

      if x_slower < 0 then
        if the_x = -1536 then the_x_direction = 1
        if the_x = 1536 then the_x_direction = 0

        if the_x_direction = 0 then the_x = the_x - 1
        if the_x_direction = 1 then the_x = the_x + 1

        if the_x = 0 then
          x_slower = 3072
      end if

      mm = mm + 2
      x = the_x + sw * sin(mm) + sw/2
      y = sh * cos(mm) + sh/2

      if the_x = 0 then
        'graphics clear 0, 0, 64/256
        draw color 0, 0, 1
        'graphics clear  63/255, 0, 0
        draw color  1, 0, 0
      end if

      draw line sw/2, sh/2 to x, y
    next what

    block_slower = block_slower - 1

    for y = 0 to 7
      for x = 0 to 9
        if block_slower < 0 then
          block(x, y) = int(rnd(2))
        end if

        if block(x, y) = 1 then
          if the_x = 0 then
            fill color 0, 0, 1
            fill color 1, 0, 0

          fill rect  x * bs, y * bs to x * bs + bs, y * bs + bs
        end if
      next x
    next y

    if block_slower < 0 then
      block_slower = 16
    end if

    text_x = text_x + 0.2

    if text_x > length - 32 then
      text_x = 0

    text_to_show$ = mid$(message$, text_x, sw)

    draw color 1,1,1
    draw text text_to_show$ at 0, 32

    draw color 0, 0, 0
    draw text "T   R   I   C   K   Y" at 0, 0
    draw color  127/255, 127/255, 127/255
    draw text "T   R   I   C   K   Y" at 2, 0

    lsec$ = sec$
    sec$ = right$(time$, 1)

    if lsec$ <> sec$ then
      rate$ = str$(rate)
    end if

    if lsec$ <> sec$ then
      rate = 0
    end if

    rate = rate + 1

    draw color 1,1,1
    draw text  "Frame(s) per second: " & rate$ at 0,sh-20
  refresh on
  until quit = 1


' And that's the end of that demo :)

Re: Tricky

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:22 am
by Mr. Kibernetik
It's a fun!

This is a screenshot from iPad:
iOS Simulator Screen Shot 03 апр. 2015 г., 10.21.21.png
iOS Simulator Screen Shot 03 апр. 2015 г., 10.21.21.png (360.63 KiB) Viewed 1552 times

Re: Tricky

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:58 am
by DrChip
This is Digit. I'm using my dads account. I updated the code a little. If you change the bs variable to a larger number it should fit an iPad. (bs=128)

I don't know the time syntax yet. Can someone help fix my frames per second?
