I initially was using a lot of the smart basic programming language but there were some things I couldn't get to work exactly the way I needed them to (fields, etc.). So, instead I decided to create the entire app in HTML, CSS, and Javascript and the only thing I am using sB for is to display the browser.
Is this a good idea? Could anything go wrong with this? I'm almost done with the app and it seems to be working just fine. But I was just wondering if there was anything that could possibly go wrong with me writing the whole thing in HTML and only using sB as a browser to display the HTML files.
Also, should I include a SLOWDOWN in the loop for my app? I mean, the code on the sB side of things is actually very simple. I just load up the browser and then I enter any empty loop. Kinda like this:
Code: Select all
GET SCREEN SIZE maxx, maxy
BROWSER 0 AT 0,0 SIZE maxx,maxy
BROWSER 0 URL start.html
goto loop