Editing screen format changed

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Editing screen format changed

Post by Azzurosky »

After using the program for a couple of days on my iPhone, the format of the editing screen changed to black background with a different font in white. See attachment. The screen the programs run in remains black on white, no problem. The new editing screen is not very convenient - hard to work with black background, especially when making selections, copying etc.

Is there a way of changing edit screen back to original format?

9DF57A9D-A938-40E9-8D48-5DCB9894F105.jpeg (288.43 KiB) Viewed 4412 times

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Re: Editing screen format changed

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

Please check examples in "Editor settings" folder.

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Re: Editing screen format changed

Post by Azzurosky »

Thanks for your prompt replies, very much appreciated. I can see how the Editor settings work now.

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Re: Editing screen format changed

Post by GeorgeMcGinn »

Was that the chalk board settings? Because it almost looks like the old-style black chalkboard with the white truck and hand writing. If it is I'd like to know how it was set up if you could remember, because I would like to look for a program that I'm working on. Thanks

And if you don't remember or can't don't worry about it I'll take a look and see if I can figure it out.

Was that the chalkboard settings? Because it almost looks like the old style black chalkboard with the white truck and hand writing. If it is I'd like to know how it was set up if you could remember, because I would like to look for a program that I'm working on. Thanks

And if you don't remember or can't don't worry about it I'll take a look and see if I can figure it out.
Azzurosky wrote:
Tue May 28, 2019 11:37 am
Thanks for your prompt replies, very much appreciated. I can see how the Editor settings work now.
George McGinn
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Re: Editing screen format changed

Post by Azzurosky »

Go to Examples folder, then Editor Settings folder, then run the program black and white.txt and you'll find the editor is now chalk board white on black. I like typewriter.txt myself.

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