Designing For A Really Big Program

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Designing For A Really Big Program

Post by the_wesley_watkins »

I have been working on a REALLY big program for the past couple months and I am now ready to tie it all together.
I have 6 separate programs (all with their own lib folders) and I need to connect them to make one big program.

I started a new file that will call all of the programs. My setup basically looks like this:

Files: Main
Folder: Mainlib

Inside Mainlib Folder:
Files: None
Folders: Program1, Program2, Program3, Program4, Program5

Inside Each Program Folder:
Files: Program(num)
Folder: Program(num)lib

Inside Program(num) Folder:
Files: ProgramPart1, ProgramPart2, etc.
Folders: None

So, I started off in the Main file by doing:

Code: Select all

RUN {Mainlib/Program1/Program1.txt}
However, when I do this, Program1 gives me "Error Inserting File: ProgramPart1.txt"

Is there a way to get around this?

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Mr. Kibernetik
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Re: Designing For A Really Big Program

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

RUN command loads and runs specified code file, like:

RUN "program.txt"

Preprocessor operation { } performs insertion of specified code file in this place, allowing to combine parts of code together.

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