Problems with Dropbox integration

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Re: Problems with Dropbox integration

Post by Operator »

What a pitty... but there must be a way :D as it is possible in Codea to load complete projects from
Github or import some supported binary files from Dropbox: images, music, sounds....
As researched the import function was available in Codea 2.3.7 June 2017...
Please check this link: ... d-by-apple
Some screenshots are attached to demonstrate the import function or Dropbox use in Codea...
I hope this is of any help to keep smartBasic alive :D
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Re: Problems with Dropbox integration

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

Thank you for your information.
I communicated with Apple and they demanded complete Dropbox removal from Smart BASIC.
This is nice for Codea that they are still using Dropbox. Previously Smart BASIC also had no problems with Dropbox, but latest update was blocked by Apple with this requirement.

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Re: Problems with Dropbox integration

Post by GeorgeMcGinn »

Do they know that we only use Dropbox to store code and files that are not part of any app we create with it?

I mean, Dropbox is only used during development. I use it all the time to store large files that I do not want to store on my device.

I also use it to distribute to other developers code in its original directory structure only to other developers.

Is it a problem because it is in the SDK? And if we cannot use Dropbox now to retrieve files from app created in XCode, why is Dropbox in the SDK?

Is it needed so we can use it in the IDE?

As a developer, I like this language, and would hate to see it go because Apple either does not understand or refuses to understand that we create apps with this product that they have no problems approving.

Kind of have to wonder if they just don't like SmartBASIC. I know they give TechBASIC crap, and now SpriteBASIC developed a web engine for app development, I think because they are having similar issues.

We are a threat to their status-quo languages, and are doing everything to piss you off so you eventually will go away.

I think if you go high enough in Apple, this will get resolved.
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Re: Problems with Dropbox integration

Post by GeorgeMcGinn »

Dutchman wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:51 am
rbytes wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:25 pm
If anyone does come up with an effective substitute for Dropbox ……
Just for your information. I play several games (a golf and a space battle game) that uses servers (multiple) and WIFI to push the game play to us users. How are they getting around all these issues. It seems to me they are doing more to violate Apple's container by allowing data to enter the app from many sources that they really do not control. All the data is user driven.

Just a thought.

I think Apple considers the programming capability of SB as a threat to the system and its content. One of the possibilities for accessing computer files is via Wi-Fi. For example, the FileBrowser app can download files via WiFi to the iOS device. This possibility will undoubtedly also be banned by apple. :twisted:
Mr. Kibernetik wrote:
Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:17 am
iCloud is also prohibited. Access via iTunes is also prohibited.
Any kind of "external code import" (as they understand it in Apple) is prohibited.
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Re: Problems with Dropbox integration

Post by Dav »

I suggest temporarily remove dropbox to keep smart basic up in the app store. smart Basic is a great app and really should be there. This current dropbox restriction could change in the future. But If you do pull smart basic down I would fully understand. Sounds like a frustrating situation to be in, and if someone I did business with accused me of being a cheater, that would probably end my business relationship with them.

If you keep smart basic going, I also would like to suggest smart Basic have a wifi transfer capability built in, like iFiles and other file manager apps have. It would then be easy for users to transfers files in/out of the app folders from their computer using a browser. Perhaps you could also have a special compressed file format, so users can download a single file off the internet and smart basic will unpack it to a folder.

- Dav

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