Subscription App

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Subscription App

Post by the_wesley_watkins »

Is there any way to implement a subscription service to an app? I would prefer that everything be run through their Apple account instead of me having to create and keep track of a database. I know that Apple allows apps to offer subscription services because I have a security app that I am subscribed to on my iPhone and it charges my Apple Account every month. How can I implement something like this into my app?

I want the app to be free on the app store and then offer an in-app purchase to the subscription service. However, like I stated earlier, I want it ran through the users Apple Account. I do not want to have to keep up with each user.


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Re: Subscription App

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

No, currently it is not possible.

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Re: Subscription App

Post by GeorgeMcGinn »

Question -

What if another program, written in SWIFT or Objective-C or XOJO determined if an Apple subscription is valid before executing the SmartBASIC app?

Is the issue that the SmartBASIC language does not call/access the right classes or objects to make this work? And would using another language to execute first to validate that the subscriber has a valid subscription prior to allowing the SmartBASIC program to run?

I have seen apps mixing several languages, but I'm not sure that it will work with SmartBASIC, so I defer to your experience on this (I lost the use of my iMac 3 months ago, so I have no way to test it).

Mr. Kibernetik wrote:
Thu May 04, 2017 3:45 pm
No, currently it is not possible.
George McGinn
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