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Running programme in step mode

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:27 am
by Erg2
Hi Mr. Kibernetik,

I'm struggling with some of the procedures I write, because I see myself as a beginner and sometimes my routines a very long and remembering where my GOTO's and GOSUB' and IF's and THEN's etc...end up, sometimes I loose track and can't even follow my own thinking, lol.

I recall on the early basics, (gwbasic or qbasic) there was an option to run the programme in step mode, I think it was F5, and this would run through the script and highlight the line your sitting on and each time it was pressed it would goto the next logical line so that we could see how the program was behaving. I know smart basic has pause window or if a program doesn't like the written commands it will stop at the error...

Does Smart basic have the feature I'm describing? If not, can it be planned for an update? What would be good is, if you did implement this is,
have half of the top screen for the programming text itself, and the bottom half showing the output of the actual program running, I was thinking this for running on an iPad.

My 2nd question is, can a programme be re-auto numbered when a lot of GOTO's or GOSUB's are directed to line number's rather than using subruitine names? With option of renumbering say in steps of 5 or 10's.

Thanks and have a nice day.

Re: Running programme in step mode

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:26 am
by Mr. Kibernetik
Thank you for your suggestion about step-by-step execution. Currently smart BASIC does not have this feature.

About numbering. Smart BASIC can use names for labels, not just numbers. Also, of course it is not necessary to number each program line as it was in early BASIC implementations, in the case you do this.