Latest discussions are on viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1938
The problem of importing resource-files is more or less solved, although it is clumsy with respect to the existing facility with Dropbox.
Transfer of the HEX-file can be simplified as proposed by rbytes:
There might be a solution via Dav's browser.

I tried to access the "…HEX.txt"-files with DAV's browser, see viewtopic.php?f=20&t=854
If you touch in that browser the download-link of the attached file "alarm.wav.txt" in the HEXtoBIN-topic, then the content is visible on the screen. I don't know however how to save that. It requires a Java-Script command in the command "BROWSER_TEXT$ (N$, T$)" and I am not familiar with that.
I will add the clipboard-suggestion to HEXtoBIN (Previous HEX2BIN)

Another topic is the transfer of codes to/from the computer and the forum. It would be much easier if it would be possible in SB to zip and unzip folders with contents especially if the program uses a lot of parts and resources. Both OSX and Windows have this facility.