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Newbie question

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 9:52 pm
by PaulKnight
Ok, so I must be missing something REALLY obvious here.

I try running the following:

PRINT "hello world"

and get an error message!!

Sorry for the very basic question, but I'm stumped at the first hurdle!

PLEASE - what am I doing wrong!?

Screen shot attached.

Many thanks

Re: Newbie question

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 10:06 pm
by rbytes
Apple threw everyone a curve with iOS 11. No doubt they were trying to be helpful by making our our punctuation look more professional when they decided that the standard quote mark, " or AASCI CHR$(34), should be replaced by “ and ”.

That caused consternation for a while. The quote character is used frequently in most computer languages, which don't take kindly to substitutions.

We soon found workarounds. 1. You can hold down the " key and select the vertical quote mark in the popup that appears. 2. You can go to Settings - Keyboard and turn off "Smart Punctuation". It turned out not as smart as Apple had hoped! :lol:

Re: Newbie question

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:10 pm
by PaulKnight

Thanks so much for the rapid response rbytes!
I was getting so frustrated with this!

Solution 2 works a treat :-)

Thanks also for the email link - I'll take a look

All the very best