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Dropbox Supported? Iphone > Iphone4 Supported?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:31 am
by GeorgeMcGinn

In ther AppleDelegate.m file, this code exists:
// settings for Dropbox connection (currently not supported)
#define DB_APP_KEY @""
#define DB_APP_SECRET @""
#define DB_ROOT @""

But in the SDK you also include the DropBox SDK.

Is it the connections not supported, these 3 particular variables, or Dropbox?

Also, you have this in Russian:
// после успешного входа в dropbox
// повторяем нажатие кнопки для осуществления операции переключения на dropbox
[self.viewController tabBar:self.viewController.operationTabBar didSelectItem:self.viewController.dropboxTab];
return YES;

The translation says: "After successful login, dropbox
Repeat pressing the button for the operation switch on dropbox"

Is the Dropbox commands in the SB Code the only thing needed to use Dropbox?

I guess I'm confused where you are not setting the 3 variables used by Dropbox, yet the Russian translation implies Dropbox is supported.

I'm coding for use of Dropbox to allow my user to be able to download files or a file where my app uses to update an existing file.

Also in the BASIC folder, in the file, two questions:
1. #import <Availability.h> - this file is missing from the SDK. Does it come from Xcode, like the UIKit file and the Foundation/ file?
2. I notice the message about iPhone support only goes to iPhone 4. Is that still the case?

I want to make sure I don't need these (Sometimes I'm too literal with my technical issues, but this is how I worked and learned during my 44-year career, and those who do not know the answers will learn as well)!

Thanks a lot.


Re: Dropbox Supported? Iphone > Iphone4 Supported?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:04 am
by Mr. Kibernetik
These variables left from full version of smart BASIC. The SDK is a reduced version of it.
Contents of and other system files is maintained by Xcode.

Re: Dropbox Supported? Iphone > Iphone4 Supported?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:09 am
by GeorgeMcGinn

I looked at the other files when I did some work on my iMac, so then in a day or two I hope to be simulating either downloading a file from Dropbox and/or reading records from it (I haven't checked yet if that's possible, but in any case, I have the perfect app I wrote (just for me right now) I used to calculate the temperature of a black hole, if it theoretically is not spinning. Has lots of numbers, text so I can see how the translations of them goes. (The non-spinning black hole is actually called the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom solutions to Eisenstein's equation).

I also write programs before my PC crapped out for the physicist, astronomers and cosmologists, and I am now ready if they ask again (and I can actually now deliver them an app instead of a program).

Thanks for you help.


Mr. Kibernetik wrote:These variables left from full version of smart BASIC. The SDK is a reduced version of it.
Contents of and other system files is maintained by Xcode.

Re: Dropbox Supported? Iphone > Iphone4 Supported?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:26 pm
by rbytes
I am interested in this discussion. Mr. K, as you are aware. I just posted a suggestion for improvement today regarding writing to and reading from Dropbox with the smart Basic app. Is this allowed in the SDK? If so, wouldn't that make it pretty simple to provide the feature within the app?


Re: Dropbox Supported? Iphone > Iphone4 Supported?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 8:29 pm
by Mr. Kibernetik
ricardobytes wrote:I am interested in this discussion. Mr. K, as you are aware. I just posted a suggestion for improvement today regarding writing to and reading from Dropbox with the smart Basic app. Is this allowed in the SDK? If so, wouldn't that make it pretty simple to provide the feature within the app?

No, SDK has no extra features.