Whenever I inline this lib and run my program, it errors out on the very first function (vec_in), saying “wrong number of arguments in function ‘Y’ DEF vec_in(n,v(),x,y)”
Smart BASIC doesn’t seem to understand this function definition.
In fact, any line in this lib with the character “y” by itself gives a syntax error... as if it thinks “y” is always a function call? This happens even if I run this lib file by itself.
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Re: Matlib
Can you post the calling program? And which (date) version did you download?
Can you post the calling program? And which (date) version did you download?
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Re: Matlib
This works normal
Code: Select all
option base 1
graphics ! graphics clear .8,.8,.8
dim a(10)
for i=1 to 3 ! print a(i) ! next i