Problem with buttons
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:29 pm
It seems I can only detect one of my 4 buttons, the first one defined. How do I detect the others?
Code: Select all
WinMeasure by rbytes
September 2017
Uses graphic images of imperial and metric rulers
'#.drawrect(160,255,343,500) ' used only for setting digit sizes and offsets
mx,my = #.scrsize()
' draw the imperial ruler
b = #.image ' ruler image
b.source = "ruler2.jpg"
b.width = 1760
b.x = -33
b.y = 0
c = #.textbox 'is a text box. Pressing "Enter" key if multi is 0 registers an action. Group elements are:
c.edit = 1 'if 0 then text box is a non-editable text label (default), otherwise text box is an editable text field for text input;
c.height = 400
multi = 1 ' if 0 then text box is single-line (default), otherwise it is multi-line;
c.text = "Notes: " 'text inside text box;
c.width = mx 'text box width;
c.x = 0 ' offset from left screen border;
c.y = 70 'offset from top screen border.
d = #.button
d.height = 50
d.text = "INCHES"
d.width = 100
d.x = 300
d.y = 360
e = #.button
e.height = 50
e.text = "CENTIM"
e.width = 100
e.x = 450
e.y = 360
f = #.button
f.height = 50
f.text = "SAVE"
f.width = 100
f.x = 600
f.y = 360
g = #.button
g.height = 50
g.text = "QUIT"
g.width = 100
g.x = 750
g.y = 360,e,f,g)
? #.act(d), #.output("D")
? #.act(e), #.output("E")
? #.act(f), #.output("F")
? #.act(g), #.output("G")
loop ->