Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 9:07 pm
View all of the fonts on your device at any size.
Code: Select all
FontView by rbytes
September 2017
View all of the fonts on your device
at any size you wish.
x,y = #.scrsize()
z = 40
q = 0
p = #.array(300)
e = z + " : The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"
l = #.fontlist()
n = #.size(l,1)
t = #.textbox
> g, 1..n
d += l[g] + #.lf
t.width = 360
t.height = 420
t.text = d
t.x = 20
t.y = 20
t.multi = 1
' create button template
h = #.button
h.height = 50
h.width = 100
h.y = 200
' create buttons from template
f,j,k = h
f.x = 550
j.x = 700
k.x = 850
f.text = "S T O P"
j.text = "P R E V"
k.text = "N E X T",j,k)
' create sliders
sh,sv = #.slider ' font name slider and size slider
sh.x = 600
sh.y = 100
sh.size = 600
sv.x = 600
sv.y = 150
sv.value = 15
sv.size = 600,sv)
#.drawtext(450,85,"FONT NAME")
#.drawtext(450,135,"FONT SIZE")
' show first font in list
' main program loop
? #.act(sh) ' font name slider
q = (sh.value*(n-1))/100
print <->
? #.act(sv) ' size slider
z = sv.value*2 + 10
e = z + " : The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog"
? #.act(f) ' stop button
? #.act(j) ' prev button
? q > 0
q -= 1
print <->
? #.act(k) ' next button
? q < n -1
q += 1
print <->
:print ' draw font subroutine