Unicode Viewer 1.1
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:44 pm
This version scales properly to any device. See the original post for more info.
Code: Select all
Unicode Viewer 1.1 by rbytes
October 2017
- scales the screen to fit any display
' hide the control menu - screenwidth increases by 48 points
' get screen size and calculate scaling for this device
x,y = #.scrsize()
'#.output(x + #.lf + y) uncomment this line to see your device's screen size
rw = x/1280 ; rh = y/853 ' virtual size of rbytes' tablet screen
s = 1
i = 1
u = 0
r = 26h '00h '26h gives good emoticons
shft = 0
cp = 1
flag = 1
' draw title
#.drawtext(500*rw,25*rh,"UNICODE VIEWER")
fn = "address.txt"
' create button template
h = #.button ; h.height = 70*rh
h.width = 100*rw ; h.y = 710*rh
h.fontsize = 20*rw ; h.fontname = "Papyrus"
' create buttons from template
f,g,j,k = h ; f.x = 370*rw ; g.x = 820*rw
j.x = 520*rw ; k.x = 670*rw
f.image = "Fontview/redbutt.png"
g.image = "Fontview/greenbutt.png"
j.image = "Fontview/bluebutt.png"
k.image = "Fontview/yellowbutt.png"
f.text = "STOP" ; g.text = "SAVE"
j.text = "PREV" ; k.text = "NEXT"
' create textboxes to display selected character and address
d,e,ez = #.textbox
d.width = 80*rw
d.height = 40*rh
d.y = 644*rh
d.text = ""
e,o = d
e.x = 610*rw
o.x = 1030*rw
d.x = 730*rw
ez.x = 190*rw
ez.y = 640*rh
ez.edit = 1
ez.text = ""
ez.multi = 0
ez.width = 50*rw
ez.height = 40*rh
#.drawtext(605*rw,610*rh,"Hex Bytes")
#.drawtext(725*rw,610*rh,"Dec Bytes")
#.drawtext(1030*rw,610*rh,"Unicode #")
' create button matrix
' define template button and set common parameters
q.width = 60*rw
q.height = 60*rh
q.text = ""
q.fontsize = 30*rw
q.image = "Fontview/whbutt.png"
' buttons to display short messages
w.image = "Fontview/transp.png"
p,m = w
p.fontsize = 36*rw
w.fontsize = 20*rw
m.fontsize = 20*rw
p.text = ""
p.x = 510*rw
p.y = 620*rh
w.x = 300*rw
m.x = 840*rw
m.y,w.y = 640*rh
m.text = "Address saved"
w.text = "Copied to clipboard:"
' create 128 buttons in a 16 x 8 matrix
> t, 1..128
' create button name in array, copy from button template q
b[t] = q
' position and draw the buttons
a[i] = t-1
i += 1
a[i] = r '00h 26h
i += 1
~b[t].text = #.mid(#.str(a),t,1)
~b[t].x = 60*rw + s*65*rw
~b[t].y = 80*rh + u*65*rh
' form the rows
s += 1
? s > 16
s = 1
u += 1
' select button 1
c = ~b[1]
c.image = "Fontview/grbutt.png"
flag = 1
p.text = c.text
d.text = 0 + shft + " " + r
'pr1 = "0"
'pr2 = ""
e.text = #.str(0 + shft,"x")+"h" + " " + #.str(r,"x")+"h"
o.text = 1 + shft + r*256
ez.text = r
' main program loop
? #.act(f) ' stop button
? #.act(ez) ' textbox high byte entry
r = ez.text
shft = 0
drawit <->
? #.act(g) ' save button
? #.fexist(fn), #.fdelete(fn)
#.writeline(fn,flag-1 + shft)
? #.act(j) ' prev button; move down 128 bytes
? r > 00h
z.image = "Fontview/whbutt.png"
? shft = 128
r -= 01h
c = ~b[1]
c.image = "Fontview/grbutt.png"
flag = 1
p.text = c.text
d.text = 0 + shft + " " + r
drawit <->
? #.act(k) ' next button; move up 128 bytes
? r < ffh
z.image = "Fontview/whbutt.png"
? shft = 0
r += 01h
c = ~b[1]
c.image = "Fontview/grbutt.png"
flag = 1
p.text = c.text
d.text = 0 + shft + " " + r
drawit <->
> i, 1..#.size(b,1)
c = ~b[i]
? flag, z = ~b[flag]
? #.act(c)
c.image = "Fontview/grbutt.png"
? flag, z.image = "Fontview/whbutt.png"
p.text = c.text
d.text = i-1 + shft + " " + r
o.text = i-1 + shft + r * 256
e.text = #.str(i - 1 + shft,"x")+"h" + " " + #.str(r,"x")+"h"
flag = i
i = 1
ez.text = r
> t, 1..128
a[i] = t-1+shft
i += 1
a[i] = r '00h 26h
i += 1
~b[t].text = #.mid(#.str(a),t,1)