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Post by Henko »

I guess this library belongs here now

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' Library "matlib" version january 2017
' vector and matrix calculations and some additional thingies.
' produced by "Henko"
' no copyrights and no guaranties
' IMPORTANT: all functions are based upon OPTION BASE 1
' vec_in (n,v(),x,y)            input a vector
' vec_out (n$,n,v(),x,y,l,d)    print a vector
' vec_unit (n,v())              make unit vector
' vec_rnd (n,v(),mini,maxi)     make random vector
' vec_zero (n,v())              make null vector
' vec_copy (n,from(),into(()    copy a vector
' vec_scal (n,v(),s)            scale a vector
' vec_len (n,v())               length of a vector
' vec_norm (n,v())              normalize a vector to lenght 1
' vec_plus (n,v1(),v2())        add 2 vectors
' vec_min (n,v1(),v2())         subtract 2 vectors
' inprod (n,v1(),v2())          dot product of 2 vectors
' mat_in (n,m,mat(,),x,y)       input a matrix
' mat_out (n$,n,m,mat(,),x,y,l,d) print a matrix
' mat_zero (n,m,mat(,))           make a null matrix
' mat_unit (n,mat(,))             make a unit matrix
' mat_rnd (n,m,mat(,),mini,maxi)  make a random matrix
' mat_rot (mat(,),ang)            make 2d rotation matrix
' mat_rotx (mat(,),ang)           make 3d rotation matrix about x-axis
' mat_roty (mat(,),ang)           make 3d rotation matrix about y-axis
' mat_rotz (mat(,),ang)           make 3d rotation matrix about z-axis
' mat_scal (n,m,mat(,),s)         scale a matrix
' mat_copy (n,m,from(,),into(,))  copy a matrix
' mat_trans (n,m,mat(,),matt(,))  transpose a matrix
' mat_plus (n,m,mata(,),matb(,))  add 2 matrices
' mat_min (n,m,mata(,),matb(,))   subtract 2 matrices
' mat_mul (n,m,mata(,),matb(,),matc(,))  multiply 2 matrices
' mat_inv (n,mata(,),ainv(,))            invert a matrix
' mat_vec (n,m,mat(,),vin(),vout())      multiply a vector by a matrix
' mat_sort(r,c,mat(,),colnum)     sort a matrix on one of the columns
' mat_det(n,mat(,))               determinant of a matrix
' det_sub(n,r,a(,))               determinant of a submatrix
' eigen_2 (mat(,),ev(,),lab)  eigenvalues and -vectors of a 2d matrix
' eigen_n (n,mat(,),ev())         largest eigenvalue and -vector
' eigen_mat(r(),s(),mat(,),lambda())  2x2 matrix for given eigenvectors
' lin_eq2(a(,),x(),b())           solve 2 linear equations
' lin_eqn(nvar,a(,),x(),b())      solve system of linear equations
' gonio_eq1 (a,b,c)               solve a*sin(x)+b*cos(x)=c
' solve(xo,eps)                   solve one non-linear equation
' ls (n,m,x(),y(),c())            polynomial least squares fit in 2d
' ls_lin3(n,x(),y(),z(),c())      least squares fit in 3d (plane)
' ls_lin6(n,x(),y(),z(),c())      least squares fit in 3d (quadratic)
' rot2(deg,vin(),vout())          rotate 2d vector
' rot_x(deg,vin(),vout())         rotate 3d vector about x-axis
' rot_y(deg,vin(),vout())         rotate 3d vector about y-axis
' rot_z(deg,vin(),vout())         rotate 3d vector about z-axis
' rot_xyz(dgx,dgy,dgz,vin(),vout()) rotate 3d vector about 3 axis
' interp3(pnt(),sp,x)             cubic interpolation
' poly (n,coef(),x)               value of polynomial for x-value
' surf_n(n,c(,))                  surface of a n-polygon
' surf_3(a(),b())                 surface of a triangle, two vectors
' surface_tri(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)  idem, 3 nodes
' centre_tri(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)   cog of triangle
' surface_quad(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4)   surface of quadrangle
' centre_quad(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4)    cog of quadrangle
' bezier3(p1(),p2(),p3(),p4(),steps,pen,cx,cy,rot,scale,trx,try,code)
' bearing(xs,ys,xe,ye)            compass bearing from point s to e
' point_to_line(ndim,p(),s(),r()) distance from point to line in n-dim
' point_to_line2(x,y,f(),d())     distance from point to line in 2d
' in_out(np,x(),y(),xp,yp)        check if point lies in convex poly
' intersect(a(),b(),p(),q())      check if 2 line-sections intersect
' geo_distance (a_lat,a_lon,b_lat,b_lon)  calculate geo distance
' factorial(x)
' mod (a,m)
' pi
' rad 
' deg_atan(x,y)
' rad_atan(x,y)
' input a n-sized vector v() at screen position x,y
def vec_in (n,v(),x,y)
dim b$(20)
for i=1 to n
b$(i)="a" & i ! field b$(i) text b$(i) at x,y+30*(i-1) size 80,25
next i
for i=1 to n
if field_changed(b$(i)) then
  v(i)=field_text$(b$(i)) ! field b$(i) delete
  draw text n2a$(v(i),6,2) at x,y+30*(i-1)
end if
next i
if som<n then goto loop
end def

' print a vector at position x,y with number length l and precision d
def vec_out (n$,n,v(),x,y,l,d)
if n$<>"" then
  draw text n$ at x,y
end if
for i=1 to n
  a$=n2a$(i,3,0) & " " & n2a$(v(i),l,d)
  draw text a$ at x-12,ys+25*i
next i
end def

' produce a vector filled with one's
def vec_unit (n,v())
for i=1 to n ! v(i)=1 ! next i
end def

' produce a vector filled with random numbers between mini and maxi
def vec_rnd (n,v(),mini,maxi)
for i=1 to n ! v(i)=mini+(maxi-mini)*rnd(1) ! next i
end def

' produce a vector filled with zero's
def vec_zero (n,v())
for i=1 to n ! v(i)=0 ! next i
end def

' copy vector from() into vector into()
def vec_copy (n,from(),into())
for i=1 to n ! into(i)=from(i) ! next i
end def

' multiply a vector with scalar s
def vec_scal (n,v(),s)
for i=1 to n ! v(i)=s*v(i) ! next i
end def

' produce the length of a vector
def vec_len (n,v()) = sqrt(inprod(n,v,v))

' normalize a vector to unit length
def vec_norm (n,v())
end def

' add vector v2() to vector v1()
def vec_plus (n,v1(),v2())
for i=1 to n ! v1(i)=v1(i)+v2(i) ! next i
end def

' subtract vector v2() from vector v1()
def vec_min (n,v1(),v2())
for i=1 to n ! v1(i)=v1(i)-v2(i) ! next i
end def

' produce the scalar product of two vectors
def inprod (n,v1(),v2())
for i=1 to n ! sum=sum+v1(i)*v2(i) ! next i
return sum
end def

' input a nxm matrix at position x,y (left upper corner)
'   n is the number of rows, m is the number of columns
def mat_in (n,m,mat(,),x,y)
dim b$(m*n)
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m
    k=m*(i-1)+j ! b$(k)="     a" & i & j ! tt$=b$(k)
    field tt$ text tt$ at x+100*(j-1),y+30*(i-1) size 80,25
  next j
next i
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m
    if field_changed(b$(k)) then
      field b$(k) delete
      draw text n2a$(mat(i,j),6,2) at x+100*(j-1),y+30*(i-1)
    end if
  next j
next i
if som<n*m then goto loop1
end def

' print a nxm matrix at position x,y left upper corner
' each element having total length l and d decimals
' n$ is an text, printed to identify the matrix (may be empty)
def mat_out (n$,n,m,mat(,),x,y,l,d)
if n$<>"" then
  draw text n$ at x,y
end if
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m
    a$=n2a$(mat(i,j),l,d) ! draw text a$ at x+12*l*(j-1),ys+25*i
  next j
next i
end def

' produce a nxm matrix with zero elements
def mat_zero (n,m,mat(,))
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m ! mat(i,j)=0 ! next j
next i
end def

' produce a unit matrix with one's in the diagonal and zeros elsewhere
def mat_unit (n,mat(,))
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to n ! if i=j then mat(i,j)=1 else mat(i,j)=0 ! next j
next i
end def

' produce a matrix with random elements between mini and maxi
def mat_rnd (n,m,mat(,),mini,maxi)
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m ! mat(i,j)=mini+(maxi-mini)*rnd(1) ! next j
next i
end def

' produce a 2d rotation matrix
def mat_rot (mat(,),ang)
mat(1,1)=cos(ang) ! mat(1,2)=-sin(ang)
mat(2,1)=sin(ang) ! mat(2,2)=cos(ang)
end def

' produce a 3d rotation matrix about the x-axis
def mat_rotx (mat(,),ang)
mat(2,2)=cos(ang) ! mat(2,3)=-sin(ang)
mat(3,2)=sin(ang) ! mat(3,3)=cos(ang)
end def

' produce a 3d rotation matrix about the y-axis
def mat_roty (mat(,),ang)
mat(1,1)=cos(ang) ! mat(1,3)=-sin(ang)
mat(3,1)=sin(ang) ! mat(3,3)=cos(ang)
end def

' produce a 3d rotation matrix about the z-axis
def mat_rotz (mat(,),ang)
mat(1,1)=cos(ang) ! mat(1,2)=-sin(ang)
mat(2,1)=sin(ang) ! mat(2,2)=cos(ang)
end def

' multiply all elements of a matrix with scalair s
def mat_scal (n,m,mat(,),s)
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m ! mat(i,j)=s*mat(i,j) ! next j
next i
end def

' copy matrix from() into matrix into()
def mat_copy (n,m,from(,),into(,))
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m ! into(i,j)=from(i,j) ! next j
next i
end def

' produce the transpose of matrix mat() into matrix matt()
def mat_trans (n,m,mat(,),matt(,))
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m ! matt(j,i)=mat(i,j) ! next j
next i
end def

' add matb() to mata()
def mat_plus (n,m,mata(,),matb(,))
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m ! mata( i,j)=mata(i,j)+matb(i,j) ! next j
next i
end def

' subtract matb() from mata()
def mat_min (n,m,mata(,),matb(,))
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m ! mata( i,j)=mata(i,j)-matb(i,j) ! next j
next i
end def

' produce product of mata() and matb() giving matc()
def mat_mul (n,m,mata(,),matb(,),matc(,))
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to n
    for k=1 to m ! tot=tot+mata(i,k)*matb(k,j) ! next k
    next j
  next i
end def

' produce the inverse of square matrix a() giving matrix ainv()
def mat_inv (nvar,a(,),ainv(,))
dim w(nvar,2*nvar)                      
for i=1 to nvar                 
  for j=1 to nvar ! w(i,j)=a(i,j) ! w(i,j+nvar)=0  ! next j
  next i
for piv=1 to nvar
  for j=piv to piv+nvar ! w(piv,j)=w(piv,j)/fac ! next j
  for i=1 to nvar
    if i<>piv then
      for j=piv to piv+nvar ! w(i,j)=w(i,j)-fac*w(piv,j) ! next j
    next i
  next piv
for i=1 to nvar
  for j=1 to nvar ! ainv(i,j)=w(i,j+nvar) ! next j
  next i
end def

' produce product of a matrix and a vector vin(), giving vout()
' the matrix has size nxm, the vin() has size m, vout() has size n
def mat_vec (n,m,mat(,),vin(),vout())
dim v(n)
for i=1 to n
  for j=1 to m ! tot=tot+mat( i,j)*vin(j) ! next j
next i
for i=1 to n ! vout(i)=v(i) ! next i
end def

' sorting a matrix on one of the columns
' r = number of rows of the matrix
' c = number of columns of the matrix
' mat = the matrix that will be sorted
' column = the column on wich the matrix will be sorted
' the sorted matrix replaces the original matrix (save it?)
def mat_sort(r,c,mat(,),colnum)
dim aux(r,c),cop(r),index(r)
for i=1 to r ! cop(i)=mat(i,colnum) ! next i
sort cop as index
for i=1 to r ! ind=index(i)
  for j=1 to c ! aux(i,j)=mat(ind,j) ! next j
  next i
for i=1 to r ! for j=1 to c ! mat(i,j)=aux(i,j) ! next j ! next i
end def

' produce the determinant of a nxn matrix
' the input matrix mat(,) remains unchanged
' the value of the determinant is given back by the function
def mat_det(n,mat(,))
dim a(n,n)
for i=1 to n-1
  if i=1 then det=a(i,i) else det=det*a(i,i)
  for j=i+1 to n
    for k=i+1 to n ! a(j,k)=a(j,k)-fac*a(i,k) ! next k
    next j
  next i
return a(n,n)*det
end def

' produce the determinant of a sub-matrix with 
' the 1'st row and r'th column deleted from it
' the proper sign for odd pivot element is accounted for
def det_sub(n,r,a(,))
dim mat(n-1,n-1)
for i=2 to n
  for j=1 to n
    if j=r then continue
    if j<r then mat(i-1,j)=a(i,j) else mat(i-1,j-1)=a(i,j)
    next j 
  next i
det=mat_det(n-1,mat) ! if odd(r) then det=-det
return det
end def

' eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a 2x2 matrix
' matrix has real coefficients
' matrix is passed as "mat"
' function returns 0 if no real eigenvalues are found,
'   else the function returns 1
' 2 eigenvalues are returned in the vector "lab"
' 2 eigenvectors are returned as colums in the matrix "ev"
' eigenvectors are normalized to a length of 1
' library "matlib" is needed
def eigen_2 (mat(,),ev(,),lab())
dim x(2)
if discr<0 then return 0
discr=sqrt(discr) ! s=mat(1,1)+mat(2,2)
lab(1)=(s+discr)/2 ! lab(2)=(s-discr)/2
for j=1 to 2
  if mat(1,2) then 
    end if
  ev(1,j)=x(1) ! ev(2,j)=x(2)
  next j
return 1
end def

' Find largest eigenvalue with eigenvector for nxn matrix,
' using the simplest "power method".
' No results in case of complex or multiple eigenvalues, the
' function will then return a value of 0.
' If the iteration converges, the function returns the eigenvalue
' and the accompanying eigenvector in the vector "ev"
def eigen_n (n,mat(,),ev())
dim evo(n)
count=0 ! maxcount=100 ! eps=.00001
labo=1 ! vec_rnd(n,evo,-1,1)
  dif=abs(abs(lab)-abs(labo)) ! vec_norm(n,ev)
  if dif>eps then 
    labo=lab ! vec_copy(n,ev,evo) ! count=count+1
    end if 
  until dif<eps or count=maxcount
if ev(1)*evo(1)<0 then lab=-lab
if count=maxcount then return 0 else return lab
end def

' generate a 2x2 matrix, based on 2 given eigenvectors
' r() and s() are the eigenvectors
' mat(,) is the generated matrix
' lambda() containes the 2 eigenvalues
' 0 (zero) returned if case of invalid result
def eigen_mat(r(),s(),mat(,),lambda())
det=r(1)*s(2)-r(2)*s(1) ! if det=0 then return 0
return det
end def

' solve 2 linear equations with two unknowns
' returns 0 if det=0 else returns 1
def lin_eq2(a(,),x(),b())
if det=0 then return 0
return 1
end def

' Solving a system of n linear equations with n variables
' nvar = number of equations (and number of variables)
' a(,) = nxn coefficient matrix
' b() = the right-hand side with known values
' x() = contains the calculated "unknowns"
def lin_eqn(nvar,a(,),x(),b())
for i=1 to nvar-1
  for j=i+1 to nvar
    fac=a(j,i)/a(i,i) ! b(j)=b(j)-fac*b(i) 
    for k=i+1 to nvar ! a(j,k)=a(j,k)-fac*a(i,k) ! next k
    next j
  next i
for i=nvar-1 to 1 step -1 ! x(i)=b(i)
  for j=i+1 to nvar ! x(i)=x(i)-a(i,j)*x(j) ! next j
  next i
end def

' solves the simple gonio equation: a*sin(x)+b*cos(x)=c
' returns the angle x for which the equation holds
' the answer is a complex number for values c>sqrt(a^2+b^2)
def gonio_eq1 (a,b,c)
return asin(c/sqrt(a*a+b*b))-atan(b/a)
end def

' solve one non-lineair equation using the Newton-Raphson algorithm
' specify the equation in the y(x) function as shown in the ezample
' call the function with a estimated starting value xo
' and a desired accuracy eps
' example answer=solve(2,0.00001)
' if the algorithm does not converge to a solution, -999 is returned
def solve(xo,eps)
x=xo ! count=0 ! maxcount=100
  dx=y(x)/y_acc ! x=x-dx ! count=count+1
  until abs(dx)<eps or count=maxcount
if count<maxcount then return x else return -999
end def
def y(x) = 48*x^4-16*x^3+6*x-1

' this is a m-degree polynomial least squares fit of a number of
' points in 2 dimensional space
' there are n points, with x- and y-coordinates in vectors x() and y()
' m is the degree of the polynomial (take 1 for straight line fit,
' m=2 for parabola, and so on)
' the coefficients of the best fit polynomial are returned in vector c()
' f.i. for m=2 : y = c(1) + c(2)*x + c(3)*x^2
def ls (n,m,x(),y(),c())
dim a1(n,m),a2(m,n),a3(m,m),rl(m)
for i=1 to n
  for j=2 to m ! a1(i,j)=a1(i,j-1)*x(i) ! next j
next i
mat_trans (n,m,a1,a2)
mat_mul (m,n,a2,a1,a3)
mat_vec (m,n,a2,y,rl)
mat_inv (m,a3,a1)
mat_vec (m,m,a1,rl,c)
end def

' Least square aproximation of (x,y,z) points by a plane in R3
' n-number of points
' c-vector with 3 resulting coefficients: z=c(1)+c(2)*x+c(3)*y
def ls_lin3(n,x(),y(),z(),c())
dim xy(n,3),xyt(3,n),m(3,3),mi(3,3),b(3)
for i=1 to n
  xy(i,1)=1 ! xy(i,2)=x(i) ! xy(i,3)=y(i)
  next i
mat_mul(3,n,xyt,xy,m) ! mat_inv(3,m,mi)
mat_vec(3,n,xyt,z,b) ! mat_vec(3,3,mi,b,c)
end def

' Least square aproximation of (x,y,z) points by a quadratic
' surface in R3
' n-number of points
' c-vector with 6 resulting coefficients with the formula:
' z=c(1)+c(2)*x+c(3)*y+c(4)*x^2+c(5)*x*y+c(6)*y^2
def ls_lin6(n,x(),y(),z(),c())
dim xy(n,6),xyt(6,n),m(6,6),mi(6,6),b(6)
for i=1 to n
  xy(i,1)=1 ! xy(i,2)=x(i) ! xy(i,3)=y(i)
  xy(i,4)=x(i)^2 ! xy(i,5)=x(i)*y(i) ! xy(i,6)=y(i)^2
  next i
mat_mul(6,n,xyt,xy,m) ! mat_inv(6,m,mi)
mat_vec(6,n,xyt,z,b) ! mat_vec(6,6,mi,b,c)
end def

' rotate a 2-dimensional vector vin() deg degrees, giving vector vout()
def rot2(deg,vin(),vout())
x=vin(1) ! vout(1)=x*cos(deg)-vin(2)*sin(deg)
end def

' rotate the 3-dim. vector vin() deg degrees about the x-axes -> vout()
def rot_x(deg,vin(),vout())
y=vin(2) ! vout(2)=y*cos(deg)-vin(3)*sin(deg)
end def

' rotate the 3-dim. vector vin() deg degrees about the y-axes -> vout()
def rot_y(deg,vin(),vout())
x=vin(1) ! vout(1)=x*cos(deg)-vin(3)*sin(deg)
end def

' rotate the 3-dim. vector vin() deg degrees about the z-axes -> vout()
def rot_z(deg,vin(),vout())
x=vin(1) ! vout(1)=x*cos(deg)-vin(2)*sin(deg)
end def

' rotate vector vin() about all 3 axes, giving vector vout()
def rot_xyz(dgx,dgy,dgz,vin(),vout())
dim temp(3)
end def

' cubic interpolation, using 4 points, p1 trough p4
' sp is the starting point (= p1)
' x is the distance from p1 in the interval p1 - p2
' x_scale is equidistant
def interp3(pnt(),sp,x)
return p*x^3+q*x^2+r*x+s
end def

' calculate the value of a polynomial for a give value of x
' n is the degree of the polynomial, hence n+1 coefficients must
' be passed: a0, a1, a2, ..... an, in that order
def poly (n,coef(),x)
for i=n to 1 step-1 ! res=res*x+coef(i) ! next i
return res
end def

' calculates the surface of a n-polygon, n>=3
' (divides the polygon in triangles and then uses surf_3 function)
' c() has size nx2 and contains the coordinates of the vertices.
def surf_n(n,c(,))
dim cr(n,2),u(2),v(2)
if n<3 then return 0
x1=c(1,1) ! y1=c(1,2) ! sum=0
for i=1 to n ! cr(i,1)=c(i,1)-x1 ! cr(i,2)=c(i,2)-y1 ! next i
for i=2 to n-1
  u(1)=cr(i,1) ! u(2)=cr(i,2) ! v(1)=cr(i+1,1) ! v(2)=cr(i+1,2)
  next i
return sum
end def

' calculates the surface of a triangle, produced by 2 vectors
def surf_3(a(),b())=.5*abs(a(1)*b(2)-a(2)*b(1))

' calculates the surface of a triangle
def surface_tri(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)
return abs((x2-x1)*(y3-y1)-(y2-y1)*(x3-x1))/2
end def

' calculates the centre of gravity of a triangle
' retrieve the values using centre_tri.x and centre_tri.y
def centre_tri(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)
x=(x1+x2+x3)/3 ! y=(y1+y2+y3)/3
end def

' calculates the surface of a quad figure
' result is valid for convex figures only
' give the 4 points in cyclic order
def surface_quad(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4)
return surface1+surface2
end def

' calculates the centre of gravity of a quad figure
' result is valid for convex figures only
' give the 4 points in cyclic order
' retrieve the values using centre_quad.x and centre_quad.y
def centre_quad(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4)
centre_tri(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) ! xc1=centre_tri.x ! yc1=centre_tri.y
centre_tri(x1,y1,x3,y3,x4,y4) ! xc2=centre_tri.x ! yc2=centre_tri.y
x=xc2+s1*(xc1-xc2)/(s1+s2)    ! y=yc2+s1*(yc1-yc2)/(s1+s2)
end def

' draw/fill 3rd degree Bezier curve with transformations
' transformations are rotation, scaling, and translation, in that order
' p1() and p2() are start and end point for the curve
' p3() and p4() are user manipulated handles that form the curve
' steps is the number of segments used to draw the curve
' pen is the draw size to be used for the curve
' cx and cy is the centre point for rotation and scaling. if both zero,
'   the centre is calculated for the Bezier curve
' rot is the rotation angle 
' scale is the scaling factor. a value of zero means no scaling.
' trx and try are translations in x and y direction
' code = 0 : curve, end points, and handles are drawn (designer mode)
' code = 1 : curve alone is drawn
' code = 2 : curve is filled with current color etc.
def bezier3(p1(),p2(),p3(),p4(),steps,pen,cx,cy,rot,scale,trx,try,code)
dim s(2),e(2),h1(2),h2(2),cc(2),filx(steps+1),fily(steps+1)
for i=1 to 2     ' copy coordinates into local arrays
  s(i)=p1(i) ! e(i)=p2(i) ! h1(i)=p3(i) ! h2(i)=p4(i)
  next i
if cx=0 and cy=0 then     ' calculate centre of curve
  for i=1 to 2 ! cc(i)=(s(i)+e(i)+h1(i)+h2(i))/4 ! next i
  else ! cc(1)=cx ! cc(2)=cy  ' explicitely given centre
  end if
if rot then      ' rotate coordinates about curve centre
  sa=sin(rot) ! ca=cos(rot)
  for i=1 to 2
    s(i)-=cc(i) ! e(i)-=cc(i) ! h1(i)-=cc(i) ! h2(i)-=cc(i) 
    next i
  xo=s(1)  ! s(1)=xo*ca-s(2)*sa   ! s(2)=sa*xo+s(2)*ca
  xo=e(1)  ! e(1)=xo*ca-e(2)*sa   ! e(2)=sa*xo+e(2)*ca
  xo=h1(1) ! h1(1)=xo*ca-h1(2)*sa ! h1(2)=sa*xo+h1(2)*ca
  xo=h2(1) ! h2(1)=xo*ca-h2(2)*sa ! h2(2)=sa*xo+h2(2)*ca
  for i=1 to 2
    s(i)+=cc(i) ! e(i)+=cc(i) ! h1(i)+=cc(i) ! h2(i)+=cc(i) 
    next i
  end if
if scale then      ' scale the curve about the centre
  for i=1 to 2
    s(i)-=cc(i) ! e(i)-=cc(i) ! h1(i)-=cc(i) ! h2(i)-=cc(i) 
    s(i)*=scale ! e(i)*=scale ! h1(i)*=scale ! h2(i)*=scale
    s(i)+=cc(i) ! e(i)+=cc(i) ! h1(i)+=cc(i) ! h2(i)+=cc(i) 
    next i
  end if
if trx or try then    ' translate the curve
  s(1)+=trx ! e(1)+=trx ! h1(1)+=trx ! h2(1)+=trx
  s(2)+=try ! e(2)+=try ! h1(2)+=try ! h2(2)+=try
  end if
if code=0 then      ' draw the end points and the handles
  draw size 3 ! fill color 0,0,1
  fill circle s(1),s(2) size 5 ! fill circle e(1),e(2) size 5
  draw circle h1(1),h1(2) size 5 ! draw circle h2(1),h2(2) size 5
  draw size 1 ! draw alpha .3
  draw line s(1),s(2) to h1(1),h1(2)
  draw line e(1),e(2) to h2(1),h2(2)
  draw size pen ! draw alpha 1
  end if
draw to s(1),s(2)    ' draw or fill the (transformed) curve
filx(1)=s(1) ! fily(1)=s(2)
t=0 ! dt=1/steps ! draw size pen
for i=1 to steps
  t+=dt ! tm=1-t ! tt=3*t*tm
  a=tm^3 ! b=tm*tt ! c=t*tt ! d=t^3
  if code=0 or code=1 then draw line to x,y
  if code=2 then ! filx(i+1)=x ! fily(i+1)=y ! end if
  next i
if code=2 then fill poly filx,fily
end def

' bearing angle from xs,ys to xe,ye
' compass method for direction angles
' angle in degrees
def bearing(xs,ys,xe,ye)
x=xe-xs ! y=ye-ys
if y=0 then
  if x>0 then k=90 else k=270
  end if
if y<0 then ! k+=180 ! else ! if x<0 then k+=360 ! end if
return k
end def

' distance from a point to a line in n-dimensional space
' ndim = number of dimensions
' p() = vector of point
' s() = vector of some point on the line
' r() = direction vector of the line
def point_to_line(ndim,p(),s(),r())
dim ps(ndim),dis(ndim)
vec_copy(ndim,p,ps) ! vec_min(ndim,ps,s)
vec_copy(ndim,r,dis) ! vec_scal(ndim,dis,fac)
return vec_len(ndim,ps)
end def

' distance from a point (x,y) to a line in 2D
' the line is passed in vector form f+lambda*d
def point_to_line2(x,y,f(),d())
vec(1)=x-f(1) ! vec(2)=y-f(2)
for i=1 to 2 ! vec(i)=lambda*d(i)-vec(i) ! next i
return vec_len(2,vec)
end def

' check if point (xp,yp) lies inside the convex poly (np,x(),y())
' returns 1 if inside, 0 if outside
def in_out(np,x(),y(),xp,yp)
xc=0 ! yc=0 ! in=1
for i=1 to np ! xc+=x(i) ! yc+=y(i) ! next i
p(1)=xc/np ! p(2)=yc/np ! q(1)=xp ! q(2)=yp
for i=1 to np-1
a(1)=x(i) ! a(2)=y(i) ! b(1)=x(i+1) ! b(2)=y(i+1)
if intersect(a,b,p,q)>-1 then ! in=0 ! break ! end if
next i
return in
end def

' function that checks if two linesections intersect
' first linesection is between vectors a and b
' second linesection is between vectors p and q
' if intersect, returns the lambda value of first line
' returns -1 if no intersection
def intersect(a(),b(),p(),q())
dim m(2,2),lab(2),rhs(2)
m(1,1)=b(1)-a(1) ! m(1,2)=p(1)-q(1)
m(2,1)=b(2)-a(2) ! m(2,2)=p(2)-q(2)
rhs(1)=p(1)-a(1) ! rhs(2)=p(2)-a(2)
if lin_eq2(m,lab,rhs)=0 then return -1
if lab(1)<0 or lab(1)>1 or lab(2)<0 or lab(2)>1 then return -1
return lab(1)
end def

' calculate geographic distance on spherical earth
' from a to b , latitudes and longitudes in degrees with decimals
' returns distance in km
def geo_distance (a_lat,a_lon,b_lat,b_lon)
return 111.12*acos(tt)   ' km
end def

' factorial of x (by recursion)
def factorial(x)
if x then return x*factorial(x-1) else return 1
end def

' integer remainder of a/m
def mod(a,m)
end def

' value of pi
def pi=3.14159265

' value of 1 radian
def rad=180/pi

'  atan for option degrees
def deg_atan(x,y)
if x=0 then return 90*(2-sign(y)) else ta=atan(y/x)
if x<0 then ! ta+=180 ! else ! if y<0 then ! ta+=360 ! end if ! end if
return ta
end def

' atan for option radians
def rad_atan(x,y)
if x=0 then return pi*(2-sign(y)) else ta=atan(y/x)
if x<0 then ! ta+=2*pi ! else ! if y<0 then ! ta+=4*pi ! end if ! end if
return ta
end def

' formatting floats for graphics mode
def n2a$(num,lang,dec)
b$="               "
if tot<1 then tot=1
a$=substr$(b$,1,tot) & num$
return a$
end def

' pre-padding strings with blancs to a given width
def pre_pad$(w,a$)
sp$="               "
return substr$(sp$,1,tot) & a$
end def

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Re: Matlib

Post by sarossell »

Holy smokes! Been busy much? That's impressive.
smart BASIC Rocks!

- Scott : San Diego, California

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Re: Matlib

Post by Henko »

Started this 3 years ago.

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Re: Matlib

Post by sarossell »

It had not occurred to me that the factorial function was not already in sB. Clever and brief coding too. I also didn't realize that you could return a function value in two ways; using return, or setting the function name to the value. Learn sumpin' new every day! :D Thanks!

Does bring up a newbie question for me though. Which is more efficient? Shorter code or fewer cycles? With "If x...", the function will run one extra time than if it used "If x>1..." to yield the same result (of course, since the last factorial operation is to multiply by 1). This is my old ZX81 habits coming to the surface. By today's computing standards it's probably akin to splitting hairs on a bald rat. :?
smart BASIC Rocks!

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Re: Matlib

Post by Henko »

Indeed, it'up to compilers to do peephole optimizions, interpreters like smart basic to a lesser extent. But limitations on processing power and memory size are no more existent for normal applications. So, personal preferences re. programming style can prevail now.

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Re: Matlib

Post by sarossell »

Good to know. I enjoy tasking myself with the "peephole" optimizations just to see if I can. I often find it easier to debug with more compact code. Not the single line stuff though. That's just ridiculous fun. :D
smart BASIC Rocks!

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Re: Matlib

Post by Joel »

just started to play around with your functions this morning, Henko.
Unfortunately you have to rename some names first to avoid a name conflict...
Nevertheless, there's some cool functions in your lib. precious!!
many thanks, joel

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Re: Matlib

Post by Joel »

Hi Henko,
I'm through with, great respect, there's a lot of intelligence in there. my favorite so far: bezier3. It's really fun...(oops, I might sound like a nerd, hehe...anyway)
All the other functions also: they work very well, easy to use, come in very handy!

thanks, joel

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Re: Matlib

Post by Henko »

Maybe you like this one as well: solving a set of arbitrary non-lineair equations (if a solution exists). In yellow color: the problem specific data to be entered by the user. As an example, three spheres in R3 are specified; they are chosen in such a way, that they intersect each other (hence there sure is a solution, one of the intersection points).

option base 1
dim jac(9,9),dx(9),eps(9),var(9)
max_iter=10 ! max_err=.01
'y' ' # of equations & variables and starting values for them
n=3 ! read var(1),var(2),var(3) ! data 0,0,0
for iter=1 to max_iter
for i=1 to n
eps(i)=func(i,var) ' deviations from zero to be corrected
for j=1 to n ! jac(i,j)=deriv(i,j,var) ! next j ' Jacobian matrix
next i
lin_eqn(n,jac,dx,eps) ! err=0 ' corrections to the variables
for i=1 to n ! var(i)-=dx(i) ! err+=dx(i)^2 ! next i ' apply them
' print var(1),var(2),var(3),err ' print intermediate results
if err<max_err then break
next iter
if err>max_err then ! print "no solution"
else ! for i=1 to n ! print "var"&i&" : ";var(i) ! next i
end if

def func(i,x())
on i goto sphere1,sphere2,sphere3
sphere1: return (x(1)-3)^2+(x(2)-3)^2+(x(3)-3)^2-7^2
sphere2: return (x(1)-1)^2+(x(2)+2)^2+(x(3)+1)^2-7^2
sphere3: return (x(1)+1)^2+(x(2)-2)^2+(x(3)+2)^2-7^2
end def

def deriv(i,j,x()) ' partial derivate of function i w.r.t. variable j
delta=.001*x(j) ! delta=max(abs(delta),.001)
x(j)+=delta ! fxplus=func(i,x) ! x(j)-=delta
return (fxplus-fx)/delta
end def

def lin_eqn(nvar,a(,),x(),b()) ' solve nvar lineair equations
for i=1 to nvar-1
for j=i+1 to nvar
fac=a(j,i)/a(i,i) ! b(j)=b(j)-fac*b(i)
for k=i+1 to nvar ! a(j,k)=a(j,k)-fac*a(i,k) ! next k
next j
next i
for i=nvar-1 to 1 step -1 ! x(i)=b(i)
for j=i+1 to nvar ! x(i)=x(i)-a(i,j)*x(j) ! next j
next i
end def

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Re: Matlib

Post by GeorgeMcGinn »

Ain't that the truth!

I remember, before the development of "above the line" processing, CICS COMM areas, and most 01-LEVEL COBOL variables were limited to 32K.

Processing below the line meant at 16K limit, if I am remembering right. I and another systems programmer from IBM wrote a paper about compiling above the 16K barrier (for non-geeks that would allow data in working storage to exceed both 16K and 32K limitations) back in 1979!

Once we were allowed to go above the line, programs got larger, coding got sloppier, and maintenance was hell. I turned down clients when all they wanted was someone to do maintenance on their existing systems because they wanted to do nothing but new development.

I'm writing some apps where I am still writing in modular, more structured form (all my GOSUB routines are libs.

BTW: I use your Matlib quite a bit as many vintage BASIC programs use the routines in them, especially those involving plotting, and before you posted yours, I was reading all about matlib and reinventing the wheel.

Same with the Haversine, it wasn't in your last release. I will test it in place of mine as I like to keep my code as short and organized as possible.

Thanks for the update.


Henko wrote:
Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:10 pm
Indeed, it'up to compilers to do peephole optimizions, interpreters like smart basic to a lesser extent. But limitations on processing power and memory size are no more existent for normal applications. So, personal preferences re. programming style can prevail now.
George McGinn
Computer Scientist/Cosmologist/Writer/Photographer
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