Thanks agaIn to Mr. K for answering all of my questions. Sometimes what I type does not equal what I think I have typed!
The text on the right side is right-justified using the #textwidth() function.
You will need the Ranchers font, downloadable from 1001 Fonts (1001fonts.com)
Code: Select all
' DigiClock by rbytes
' September 2017
' Quit by tapping the screen
days = ["Monday"," Tuesday"," Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]
months = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]
d,m,y = #.today()
n = #.weekday(d,m,y)
sw,sh = #.scrsize()
rw=sw/1232 ; rh=sh/813
ap = ""
md = ""
sd = ""
' main program loop
' end program if screen tapped
? #.tap(), #.end()
? sh>sw, port=1 ! port=0
year = y
month = m
date = d
day = n
hour,minute,second = #.now() ' returns current hour h, minute m and second s.
' Conversion to a 12-hour clock
? hour > 11
ap = "PM"
hour -= 12.
ap = "AM"
' SPL gives military time, so midnight to one am is 00 hours. Change to 12 hours.
? hour = 0, hour = 12
' add leading zero to minutes if needed
? minute < 10
md = "0"
md = ""
' add leading zero to seconds if needed
? second < 10
sd = "0"
sd = ""
'? port ' if device is in portrait mode
' draw year
#.fontsize(180) 'FONT SIZE (140+port*30)*mc
' draw month and date
#.fontsize(140) 'DRAW FONT SIZE (110+port*15)*mc
dater = months[month]+" "+date
' draw day of week
' draw am/pm
' draw hour and minutes
hourmin = hour+":"+md+minute
' draw seconds