New Year's Resolution

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New Year's Resolution

Post by rbytes »

I just realized that by posting my programs so often, I may be discouraging other, perhaps more recent, Forum members from posting their ideas. So I resolve to cut back my contributions this year and give others a chance to post their programs.

I hereby resolve to post a program this year only after at least two other members have posted theirs. Maybe then we can get back to what this section was intended for - a sharing of program contributions by all.

I hope that won't result in this section grinding to a halt. But look at the five most recent posts and their dates, and you'll see why I have made this resolution.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Dutchman »

That does not increase the chance that others will make a contribution.
On the contrary, contributions are often based on new ideas that are shown in posted programs.
My recent contributions were dedicated to your iConvert program. Numerous other examples can be found.
This decision will lower viability. Unfortunately.

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by rbytes »

I respect your opinion, Ton, because you and I are virtually the only Forum members remaining who still publish new programs regularly.

I'm far from certain that my resolution will motivate the members who rarely or never contribute. But if the viewing information on this site is even halfway accurate, there are quite a few of them visiting here who rarely or never share their own creations.

If this continues, we might just as well exchange our code privately via email as we have already done.
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by Dutchman »

What I miss most is the admiration, the cheering, the laudatory words and the grateful reactions. :lol:

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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by rbytes »

When you post programs, I will make sure that you get such reactions from me! 8-)
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Re: New Year's Resolution

Post by GeorgeMcGinn »

Sometimes your posts will show me different ways to, say work with sprites and the BROWSER together. Like I posted earlier, I'm merging my program with one of yours by using the RUN statement and CLIPBOARD to make data available to the program being called.

Also I forgot to tell you I made some progress on my souped up IDE/Editor that I've been wotking on and off. I'm working on the detail design on how it can possibly debug a program while it's running in my IDE.

I'm working on more complex coding that takes more time to design, develop, code and test. However, I need to get the CLIPBOARD code working, as that will help me Code an interactive debugging environment that will show variables and changing values.

I have written a Hammurabi game, added more to it from the 1970's version. I need to create a Graphics interface, as it is still a text-based game. I've been upgrading classic BASIC programs. I have to check, but I recall that I got Super Star Trek to run in SB.

I'd like to give it a great GUI instead of the text version, but I could post these vintage BASIC games that I have gotten to work, like the Civil War game of the 1960's.

Keep posting. I'll be posting more this year.

Dutchman wrote:
Sun Jan 06, 2019 8:41 am
That does not increase the chance that others will make a contribution.
On the contrary, contributions are often based on new ideas that are shown in posted programs.
My recent contributions were dedicated to your iConvert program. Numerous other examples can be found.
This decision will lower viability. Unfortunately.
George McGinn
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