SmartBasic has the FILE N$ READ function to read bytes from a binary file. Unfortunately, because there is no facility within sB to poke or peek values into variables, I am at a total loss on how to read 32-bit IEEE floating point values from a binary file.
Specifically, I'm trying to read a sequence of 32-bit floats (little-endian) from a binary STL file.
Does anyone have some advice on this?
How to read floating point numbers from a binary file
- Mr. Kibernetik
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Re: How to read floating point numbers from a binary file
I think that conversion algorithm will be needed.
Maybe this site can be of some help:
Maybe this site can be of some help:
- Dutchman
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Re: How to read floating point numbers from a binary file
That is not really easy

The value of a IEEE-754 number is computed as:
sign 2exponent mantissa
The sign is stored in bit 32. The exponent can be computed from bits 24-31 by subtracting 127. The mantissa (also known as significand or fraction) is stored in bits 1-23. An invisible leading bit (i.e. it is not actually stored) with value 1.0 is placed in front, then bit 23 has a value of 1/2, bit 22 has value 1/4 etc. As a result, the mantissa has a value between 1.0 and 2. If the exponent reaches -127 (binary 00000000), the leading 1 is no longer used to enable gradual underflow.
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Re: How to read floating point numbers from a binary file
Hi Mark,
Indeed it is not easy, but we will give it a try. Dutchman already indicated the structure of the 32 bit floatingpoint presentation. So the first step is to convert any group of 4 bytes read from a file using the FILE f$ READ a,b,c,d command into a string which contains the binary equivalent of those 4 bytes:
The following step is of course interpretation of the three parts of that binary string as indicated by Dutchman and convert those to the number in the desired format.
If you don't manage to do that, let me know and i will give it a try.
Indeed it is not easy, but we will give it a try. Dutchman already indicated the structure of the 32 bit floatingpoint presentation. So the first step is to convert any group of 4 bytes read from a file using the FILE f$ READ a,b,c,d command into a string which contains the binary equivalent of those 4 bytes:
Code: Select all
dim a(4)
read a(0),a(1),a(2),a(3)
data 129,17,6,1
print a(0);a(1);a(2);a(3)
print bin32$(a)
' convert 4 bytes to a 32 long 'binary' string
def bin32$(byt())
ret$="" ! ob=option_base()
for i=ob to 4+ob-1 ! ret$&=dec2bin8$(byt(i)) ! next i
return ret$
end def
' convert an unsigned decimal number 0 - 255 to 8-bit binary string
def dec2bin8$(n)
do ! r=n%2 ! n=floor(n/2) ! b$&=chr$(r+48) ! until n=0
while len(b$)<8 ! b$&="0" ! end while
return reverse$(b$)
end def
The following step is of course interpretation of the three parts of that binary string as indicated by Dutchman and convert those to the number in the desired format.
If you don't manage to do that, let me know and i will give it a try.
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Re: How to read floating point numbers from a binary file
Well, it wasn't that difficult after all 
Code: Select all
dim a(4)
read a(0),a(1),a(2),a(3) ! data 129,17,6,1
print bytes2float(a)
' convert 4 bytes internal IEEE 754 representation to float number
' array a() contains 4 bytes
' option base independent
def bytes2float(a())
return (-1)^s*(1+m)*2^e
end def
def bin32$(byt())
ret$="" ! ob=option_base()
for i=ob to 4+ob-1 ! ret$&=dec2bin8$(byt(i)) ! next i
return ret$
end def
def dec2bin8$(n)
do ! b$&=chr$(n%2+48) ! n=floor(n/2) ! ! until n=0
while len(b$)<8 ! b$&="0" ! end while
return reverse$(b$)
end def
def bin2dec(b$)
ob=option_base() ! d=0 ! pow=1 ! b$=reverse$(b$)
for i=ob to len(b$)+ob-1
if mid$(b$,i,1)="1" then d+=pow ! pow*=2
next i
return d
end def
def bin2invdec(b$)
ob=option_base() ! d=0 ! pow=1
for i=ob to len(b$)+ob-1
pow/=2 ! if mid$(b$,i,1)="1" then d+=pow
next i
return d
end def
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Re: How to read floating point numbers from a binary file
Here is the conversion function in compact form.
Without comments really a "black box". Also for me after one week
Without comments really a "black box". Also for me after one week
Code: Select all
dim a(4)
read a(0),a(1),a(2),a(3) ! data 129,17,6,1
print bytes2float(a)
' convert 4 bytes internal IEEE 754 representation to float number
' array a() contains 4 bytes
' option base independent
def bytes2float(a())
c$="" ! ob=option_base()
for i=ob to 4+ob-1
b$="" ! n=a(i)
do ! b$&=chr$(n%2+48) ! n=floor(n/2) ! until n=0
while len(b$)<8 ! b$&="0" ! end while
next i
d=0 ! pow=1! e$=reverse$(mid$(c$,ob+1,8))
for i=ob to len(e$)+ob-1
if mid$(e$,i,1)="1" then d+=pow ! pow*=2
next i
m=0 ! pow=1 ! m$=right$(c$,23)
for i=ob to len(m$)+ob-1
pow/=2 ! if mid$(m$,i,1)="1" then m+=pow
next i
return (-1)^s*(1+m)*2^e
end def
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Re: How to read floating point numbers from a binary file
A conversion function from A into B should be accompanied whith its nephew from B to A.
Here is the function which converts a float number to the 4 bytes IEEE754 internal representation.
Here is the function which converts a float number to the 4 bytes IEEE754 internal representation.
Code: Select all
dim a(4)
print x,ieee2float(a)
def float2ieee(x,bytes())
ob=option_base() ! option base 1
dim v(32)
if x<0 then v(1)=1 else v(1)=0
m=abs(x) ! exp=127
while m>=2 ! exp+=1 ! m/=2 ! end while
while m<=1 ! exp-=1 ! m*=2 ! end while
for i=2 to 9
v(i)=0 ! if exp>=pow then ! v(i)=1 ! exp-=pow ! end if
next i
for i=10 to 32
v(i)=0 ! if m>=pow then ! v(i)=1 ! m-=pow ! end if
next i
for k=1 to 4
pow=128 ! s=1+8*(k-1) ! b=0
for i=s to s+7
if v(i) then b+=pow ! pow/=2
next i
next k
option base ob
end def
' convert 4 bytes internal IEEE 754 representation to float number
' array a() contains 4 bytes
' option base independent
def ieee2float(a())
c$="" ! ob=option_base()
for i=ob to 3+ob
b$="" ! n=a(i)
do ! b$&=chr$(n%2+48) ! n=floor(n/2) ! until n=0
while len(b$)<8 ! b$&="0" ! end while
next i
e=0 ! pow=1! e$=reverse$(mid$(c$,ob+1,8))
for i=ob to 7+ob
if mid$(e$,i,1)="1" then e+=pow ! pow*=2
next i
m=0 ! pow=1 ! m$=right$(c$,23)
for i=ob to 22+ob
pow/=2 ! if mid$(m$,i,1)="1" then m+=pow
next i
return (-1)^s*(1+m)*2^e
end def
Re: How to read floating point numbers from a binary file
Thank you so much, Henko -- a true "codemeister"!