WARI game (iPad only)

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WARI game (iPad only)

Post by Henko »

Code: Select all

' "WARI" game (this version iPad only)
' This is a version of an old African game, played by two players.
' In this program you play against the computer, each one turn
' at the time.
' The rules are as follows:
' Each of 12 little pits contains a number of little stones or 
' marbles.
' A player selects one pit. the stones in that pit are removed from it,
' and added one by one to the pits before the selected pit (counter-
' clockwise). if the pit, receiving the last stone, now contains 2 or 
' 3 stones, the pit is emptied and the stones are given to the player.
' then the pit after it (clockwise) is checked for 2 or 3 stones, and
' so on, until a pit is encountered which contains less than 2 or more
' than 3 stones. after this it's the other player's turn.
' The game stops when neither player can gain any more stones.
' The player with the larger amount of stones wins.
' This is a very basic version. Further upgrades would be:
' SCALING: a version that suits iPhones and iPods
' GRAPHICS: a wooden tablet with 12 holes/pits and an amount of
' marbles in the pits in stead of numbers.
' DIFFICULTY: a difficulty slider is provided. However, there is
' only one difficultilevel in this version: an medium level,
' where the computerplayer evaluates each pit and selects the pit
' with the biggest gain, without looking for the effects thereafter.
' STOP-CRITERION: not optimal yet (you might find out).
dim cx(12),cy(12),cnt(12)
init_prog ! initboard (cx,cy,cnt)
if not finished then players_turn (cx,cy,cnt)
if not finished then computers_turn (cnt)
if not finished then iterate

def init_prog
option angle degrees ! randomize
graphics ! graphics clear .8,.8,.8
fill color .8,.8,.8 ! draw color 0,0,0
.sw=screen_width() ! .sh=screen_height() ! .ratio=.sh/.sw
.scx=.sw/2 ! .scy=.sh/2
draw size 3
.rad=15*.sw/(4*pi+30) ! .circ=pi*.rad/15 ! .scy=.scx
for i=0 to 11
  .cx(i)=.rad*cos(30*i) ! .cy(i)=.rad*sin(-30*i)
  next i
.c_pot=0 ! .p_pot=0
slider "d" value 1 at .scx,100 vsize .scx
draw font size 30
draw text "set difficulty level" at 210,20
draw text "low" at .scx+50,450
draw text "high" at .scx+50,100
wait: if not slider_changed("d") then wait
pause .2
while slider_changed("d") ! pause .2 ! end while
.diff=10*(1-slider_value("d")) ! slider "d" delete
fill rect 200,20 to 600,500
end def

def initboard(cx(),cy(),cnt())
graphics lock
draw font size 40
for i=0 to 11
  x=.scx+cx(i) ! y=.scy+cy(i) ! v=cnt(i)
  draw circle x,y size .circ
  if v<10 then xp=x-10 else xp=x-24
  draw text v at xp,y-20
  next i
draw rect .scx-40,.scy-130 to .scx+40,.scy-80
draw text .c_pot at .scx-24,.scy-120
draw rect .scx-40,.scy+90 to .scx+40,.scy+140
draw text .p_pot at .scx-24,.scy+100
draw font size 20
draw text "computer's score" at .scx-100,.scy-156
draw text "your score" at .scx-60,.scy+64
draw font size 40
graphics unlock
end def

def finished
finished=0 ! n=0
for i=0 to 11
  if .cnt(i)>1 then return
  next i
if n>1 then return
fill rect 220,.scy-20 to 560,.scy+20 ! diff=.p_pot-.c_pot
if diff>0 then
  draw text "You win !!" at 270,.scy-20
  if diff=0 then
    draw text "it's a draw!" at 220,.scy-20
    draw text "You lose !!" at 250,.scy-20
    end if
  end if
end def

def players_turn(cx(),cy(),cnt())
fill rect 220,.scy-20 to 560,.scy+20
draw text "make your move" at 220,.scy-20
loop1: get touch(0) as x,y ! if x=-1 then loop1
for i=0 to 11
  xp=.scx+cx(i) ! yp=.scy+cy(i)
  if x>xp-.circ and x<xp+.circ and y>yp-.circ and y<yp+.circ then break i
  next i
if i=12 then loop1
loop2: while not turn(i,"p") ! goto loop2 ! end while
end def

def computers_turn(cnt())
fill rect 220,.scy-20 to 560,.scy+20
draw text "computer moves" at 220,.scy-20
k=c_move(cnt) ! turn(k,"c")
end def

def pit(ind)
x=.scx+.cx(ind) ! y=.scy+.cy(ind) ! val=.cnt(ind)
fill color .8,.8,0 ! fill circle x,y size .circ-2
if val<10 then xp=x-10 else xp=x-24
draw text val at xp,y-20
pause 1
fill color .8,.8,.8 ! fill circle x,y size .circ-2
draw text val at xp,y-20
end def

def turn(ind,p$)
turn=0 ! ind=redu(ind)
num=.cnt(ind) ! if num=0 then return else turn=1
for i=ind to ind+num
  if i=ind then .cnt(k)=0 else .cnt(k)+=1
  next i
  if n=2 or n=3 then
    pit(k) ! pause .5
    if p$="c" then
      fill rect .scx-38,.scy-128 to .scx+38,.scy-82
      draw text .c_pot at .scx-24,.scy-120
      fill rect .scx-38,.scy+92 to .scx+38,.scy+138
      draw text .p_pot at .scx-24,.scy+100
      end if
    .cnt(k)=0 ! pit(k) ! pause .5
    k-=1 ! if k<0 then k+=12
    end if
  until n<2 or n>3
end def

def c_move(cnt())
res=-1 ! ind=-1
for i=0 to 11 
  if cnt(i)=0 then continue else w=win(i)
  if w>res then ! res=w ! ind=i ! end if
  next i
end def

def win(ind)
dim w(12)
for i=0 to 11 ! w(i)=.cnt(i) ! next i
win=0 ! sum=0 ! ind=redu(ind)
num=w(ind) ! if num=0 then return
for i=ind to ind+num
  if i=ind then w(k)=0 else w(k)+=1
  next i
  if n=2 or n=3 then
    k-=1 ! if k<0 then k+=12
    end if
  until n<2 or n>3
end def

def redu(x)
while x>11 ! x-=12 ! end while
end def

def pi=355/113

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Mr. Kibernetik
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Re: WARI game (iPad only)

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

Very interesting!

We finished in an infinite loop with computer :D

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Re: WARI game (iPad only)

Post by Henko »

Mr. Kibernetik wrote: We finished in an infinite loop with computer :D
LOL! You were warned for that!

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Re: WARI game (iPad only)

Post by Chooch912 »

I just tried this game on my iPad 9th Gen, iOS 17.6.1 and the "pits" are large sized and I cannot see all 12 of them. 7 of them show full circles while 2 of them are only partially visible and 3 are not visible at all. The screenshot is below.

Can someone please show me what needs to be changed to fit the game on my iPad?
IMG_9368.png (451.01 KiB) Viewed 145 times

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Re: WARI game (iPad only)

Post by Henko »


I reloaded the code from the first post in this tread and run it.
The result is what it should be:
IMG_1245.png (383.93 KiB) Viewed 139 times
It seems there is no bug in the program.

The differences are : my iPad runs iOS 17.1.2
The pixel size of my iPad: 768 x 980

Portrait or landscape does not matter.

Perhaps try download again?

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Re: WARI game (iPad only)

Post by Chooch912 »

When I first wrote my post I had tried both portrait and landscape mode after starting in landscape mode with the same "cutoff" results. I tried reloading the program as you suggested and got the same results as I did the first time loading the program.

Then I tried again, starting in portrait mode and did get the correct result as you have shown. I still had the correct result after switching to landscape mode.

For some reason on my iPad staring with landscape mode gives me the problem.

Thank you for your "reload" suggestion because without it I probably would not have tried starting in portrait mode.

Great program, by the way.

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