PDF-manual 3.4

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PDF-manual 3.4

Post by Dutchman »

The PDF manual 3.4 is available in the DropBox-folder https://www.dropbox.com/sh/feqvxpql8lyrynx/9-G9Jy7ITu

"Smart Basic Manual v3-4 Booklet.pdf" should be printed two-sided on A4 paper.
You can then staple and fold it as an A5-booklet. It should also fit on 'US legal' size.

"Smart Basic Manual v3-4 A5 serial.pdf" , is the A5 serial version, for storing in iBooks on iPad.

Older versions of the manual are stored in the folder "Previous versions"

Modification date of the manual is on the front cover.

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Mr. Kibernetik
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Re: PDF-manual 3.4

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

Very nice! Thank you!

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