Character map display with ASCII values (iPad /iPhone/iPod)

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Character map display with ASCII values (iPad /iPhone/iPod)

Post by Dav »

I made this to help me see what characters are on my apple device. This utility will show many characters at a time, and clicking on the character will give you its ASCII value (to use with CHR$). If you then click on the displayed character at the bottom, it will send the CHR$ information to the clipboard.

- Dav

Edit: v1.1 - Now works on iPad,iPhone and iPod touch

Code: Select all

'chrmap.txt v1.1 (iPad,iPhone,iTouch)
'Displays character map and ASCII values.
'You can set base ASCII value to use.
'Touch a character to get the ASCII value.
'After that, touch it below to send to clipboard.
'Coded by Dav, JULY/2015


if lowstr$(device_type$())="ipad" then
  set buttons font size 56
  draw font size 24
  set buttons font size 36
  draw font size 16
end if

set buttons custom
set orientation portrait

draw color 0,0,0
fill color 1,1,1

baseascii=9700  'default base CHR$ value to use


button "chr" delete
graphics clear 1,1,1

b$="Displaying CHR$ "&str$(baseascii)&" to "&str$(baseascii+num)

if dev=1 then
   draw text b$ at 200,20
  draw text b$ at 20,15
end if

if dev=1 then
  for x = 1 to 10
   for y = 1 to 10
     button btnbase text chr$(baseascii) at x*65,y*65 size 60,60
     btnbase = btnbase+1
   next y
  next x
  for x = 0 to 6
   for y = 1 to 7
     button btnbase text chr$(baseascii) at x*45+5,y*45 size 40,40
     btnbase = btnbase+1
   next y
  next x
end if

t$="(touch for ASCII value)"

if dev=1 then
  button "+100" text "Next 100" at 425,875
  button "-100" text "Back 100" at 75,875
  button "base" text "Set #..." at 500,750
  draw text t$ at 50,775
  button "+100" text "Next" at 215,460
  button "-100" text "Back" at 10,460
  button "base" text "Set#" at 215,365
  draw text t$ at 50,430
end if


  if button_pressed("+100") then goto pageit
  if button_pressed("-100") and baseascii > num then
     goto pageit
  end if

  if button_pressed("base") then
    INPUT "Enter base ASCII value (number)":baseascii
    if baseascii <0 then baseascii =0
    graphics clear 1,1,1
    goto pageit
  end if

  for c=0 to num-1
    if button_pressed(str$(c)) then
      graphics clear 1,1,1
      s$="is CHR$("&str$(baseascii-num+c)&")"
      if dev=1 then
        button "chr" text chr$(baseascii-num+c) at 100,750 size 65,65
        draw text s$ at 190,770
        draw text "click to send to clipboard" at 100,825
        button "chr" text chr$(baseascii-num+c) at 15,380 size 40,40
        draw text s$ at 60,390
        draw text "click to send to clipboard" at 30,430
      end if
    end if
  next c

  if button_pressed("chr") then
     clipboard clear
     clipboard write copycode$
     graphics clear 1,1,1
     if dev=1 then
       draw text "Sent to Clipboard!" at 197,770
       k$=copycode$&" sent to clipboard"
       draw text "Copied!" at 80,390
       draw text k$ at 25,430
     end if
  end if

until 0
chrmap.jpg (132.98 KiB) Viewed 8993 times
Last edited by Dav on Sun Jul 12, 2015 12:06 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Character map display with ASCII values (iPad version)

Post by Dutchman »

This is a very useful tool. :!:
Great 'simple' display
Thank you very much.

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Re: Character map display with ASCII values (iPad version)

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

Very nice program, but "click to send to clipboard" function does not work for me - it saves to clipboard incorrect code.

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Re: Character map display with ASCII values (iPad version)

Post by Dav »

Mr. Kibernetik wrote:Very nice program, but "click to send to clipboard" function does not work for me - it saves to clipboard incorrect code.
Thanks. I corrected the code now, it should work correctly. I was playing with the code before posting it and must have not fixed it back. CHR value was 100 off. Now it is right. Thanks for catching that.

- Dav

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Re: Character map display with ASCII values (iPad version)

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

Ok. Maybe I am missing something, but still I cannot get right code into the clipboard...

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Re: Character map display with ASCII values (iPad version)

Post by Dav »

You are right. I have changed the code again and tested better. I believe it is working this time.

- Dav

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Re: Character map display with ASCII values (iPad version)

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »


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Re: Character map display with ASCII values (iPad /iPhone/iPod)

Post by Dav »

I have rewritten this utility program. It now should work in iPad & iPhone & iPod touch. A screenshot has been posted.

When copying to clipboard a notice is displayed saying it copied.

I don't have an iPhone to test on, so if someone who has one can post how it looks on an iPhone I would appreciate it. It displays well on my iPod touch.

- Dav

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Re: Character map display with ASCII values (iPad /iPhone/iPod)

Post by rbytes »

Very handy app. Thanks, Dav. I was aware of the CHR$ function, but I thought the
allowable values were only from 0 to 255.
The only thing that gets me down is gravity...

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Re: Character map display with ASCII values (iPad /iPhone/iPod)

Post by Henko »

Dav wrote:I have rewritten this utility program. It now should work in iPad & iPhone & iPod touch. A screenshot has been posted.

When copying to clipboard a notice is displayed saying it copied.

I don't have an iPhone to test on, so if someone who has one can post how it looks on an iPhone I would appreciate it. It displays well on my iPod touch.

- Dav
Works perfect on my iPhone5s.
Nice app! Thanks

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