Word search Nl, En, De, Fr updated

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Re: Word search

Post by Dutchman »

This discussion is outside the subject here.
See my frustration on text input in the subject "Inline input" at viewtopic.php?f=24&t=828
Last edited by Dutchman on Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Word search

Post by rbytes »

I read through your discussion with Mr. Kibernetik about the input field in text mode, and I have to say I agree completely with your suggestions on how it should work.

I was surprised that you felt that our discussion about fields wasn't relevant to the Word Search thread. Maybe I was just embarrassed that I hadn't thought to press Enter on your Pattern and Selection fields when using Word Search. But then I asked myself why I should need to do that. If the fields contain what I want them to (eg. your defaults) why can't I just press Search and have smartBASIC read what is in those 2 fields? And the solution is FIELD_TEXT(M$), which you can call after Search is pressed to read those fields.
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Re: Word search

Post by Dutchman »

ricardobytes wrote:… the solution is FIELD_TEXT(M$), which you can call after Search is pressed to read those fields.
That is a very good suggestion :!: I changed the program accordingly.
Thank you very much for your response. :D

Furthermore your screenshots made me clear that in horizontal orientation the on-screen keyboard covers part of the message-panel.
Therefore I placed the panels at the top of the screen in that orientation.

I also made a more relevant default input. Choose English, search with default-input and read the first two found words.
That might be the response of your opponents :lol:

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Re: Word search

Post by rbytes »

I hope my opponents aren't smartBASIC users!

I just downloaded Word design again now, and it didn't seem to have the changes you mentioned. Do I find it somewhere else?
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Re: Word search

Post by Dutchman »

I don't understand that.
I checked the file content on Dropbox and found the new function "ReadInput".
If you don't have that function, then there is something going wrong wit download.
You also should find the following 'history' at the beginning of the file:
'===== History ====
'Version 1.2: touching "Search" will read input fields
' and panels at top if iPad is horizontal

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Re: Word search

Post by rbytes »

I got it OK just now. I wonder if my iPad cached the old version, since the name didn't change.

Applause for your changes - they are great! I learn a lot from your style of coding. ;)
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Re: Word search

Post by Dutchman »

Thanks for the praise :D

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Re: Word search in 4 languages: Nl, En, De, Fr

Post by Dutchman »

I have extended the program with German and French words-lists.
Furthermore the file-type has been changed. Reading the files with one word per line took such a long time, several minutes for the german list, that a better alternative was urgently required. I found the solution as described in viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1119 Loading the list is done now in a few seconds. Another solution is proposed in viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1102
The new languages require accented letters. Therefore the lists have been scanned on the presence of accented letters. The found letters are allowed and are different for each language. Other accented letters are not allowed. That makes the search somewhat faster.
As the 's-sharp' character "ß" can not be entered via the virtual keyboard (at least not in every language version), that character has been replaced by "ss" in the relevant words-lists.
The first screenshots shows the german mode with the allowed accented letters in the message field.
The second screenshot shows the french mode, while the program is searching.
The files and initial post have been updated.
accented-DE.PNG (324.49 KiB) Viewed 3692 times
searching-FR.PNG (408.08 KiB) Viewed 3692 times
Last edited by Dutchman on Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Word search

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

If to press and hold a button on a keyboard - alternative letters appear.

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Re: Word search

Post by Dutchman »

Mr. Kibernetik wrote:If to press and hold a button on a keyboard - alternative letters appear.
Yes, but how to enter the 's-sharp' character?

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