GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

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GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

Post by Dav »

I have redone the GridFill game and started a new thread for it since this version is much improved and the code is different in several ways. First, it uses a different method of drawing the grid, and it has many more levels. The old version was limited to 10 levels because drawing so many buttons was slow. I have replaced using buttons. It is still for iPad only, but I will work on an iPhone version. I haven't added any launcher code yet. If you do you can post the code for that if you want. The game should be more enjoyable now with so many levels (or more frustrating? Lol)

Highlights for v1.3 features.
- 25 levels.
- Now saves game progress.
- Restart level button
- SLOWDOWN saves battery.

Hope you enjoy this new version!

- Dav

NOTE: The game is currently set to 25 levels, but you can change that by adjusting maxlevel value to any number you want. Anything over 50 just gets too frustrating for me, but it will work at 50 or even higher.

Code: Select all

'GRIDFILL puzzle game v1.3
'Fill the grid with all one color.
'Use bottom buttons to choose color.
'Complete all 25 levels to win the game.
'Coded by Dav, September/2016
'Some modifications by Ducthman (Thanks)

'NEW for v1.3
'.  - Added more levels. 25 in total.
'.  - Game progress now saved to a file in
'.    the current dir called gridfill.dat.
'.  - Replaced BUTTONS method in grid board
'.    with FILL RECT instead. Much faster.
'.  - Changed the arrow to bigger emoji one.
'.  - Added restart level button at bottom.
'.  - Added happy music when game won.
'.  - Fixed midnight bug in clock display.
'.  - Added SLOWDOWN to save battery.
'.  - Added happy win music & color flashing


maxlevel=25  'How many levels the game has. 

if lowstr$(device_type$())<>"ipad" then
  print "Sorry, game for iPad only."
end if

'=== set up screen
graphics clear 0,0,0
set orientation vertical
set buttons custom
set buttons font size 56
set toolbar off

'=== read data file, make new if not there
if file_exists("gridfill.dat") then
   file "gridfill.dat" read lev
   if lev < 1 or lev > maxlevel then goto makenew
   file "gridfill.dat" write level
end if

'=== make message boxes
If level <>1 then gosub SetParameters
gosub makemessages

'=== draw background image
option base 0
gosub drawbackground
option base 1


'level=25 'level override for testing


'=== update config file
file "gridfill.dat" delete
file "gridfill.dat" write level

draw color 0,0,0

sw=screen_width() ! sh=screen_height()

gosub drawinfobar
gosub SetParameters

dim btn(rows,columns)


'show current game level
set buttons font size 26
draw color 0,0,0
fill color 1,1,1
b$="Level "&str$(level)
button "level" text b$ at 136,10
draw color 0,0,0

'generate random board colors
for r= 1 to rows
   for c = 1 to columns
   next c
next r

gosub gridhide

if firstrun=1 then 
   showmsg ("newgame")
end if

gosub updateboard

'draw color changing buttons
fill color 1,0,0
button "red" text "" at 100,800 size 80,80
fill color 0,1,0
button "grn" text "" at 200,800 size 80,80
fill color 0,0,1
button "blu" text "" at 300,800 size 80,80
fill color 1,1,0
button "yel" text "" at 400,800 size 80,80
fill color 1,0,1
button "pur" text "" at 500,800 size 80,80
fill color 1,.5,0
button "org" text "" at 600,800 size 80,80

'draw quit & restart buttons
set buttons font size 26
draw color 1,1,1
fill color 0,0,0
button "quit" text "Quit" at 675,900
button "restart" text "Restart" at 550,900 
draw color 0,0,0

clr=btn(1,1)! gosub drawarrow

gosub drawturns


  'get color press
    if button_pressed("red") then
      clr=red ! if btn(1,1)<>clr then break
    end if
    if button_pressed("grn") then
      clr=grn ! if btn(1,1)<>clr then break
    end if
    if button_pressed("blu") then
      clr=blu ! if btn(1,1)<>clr then break
    end if
    if button_pressed("yel") then
      clr=yel ! if btn(1,1)<>clr then break
    end if
    if button_pressed("pur") then
      clr=pur ! if btn(1,1)<>clr then break
    end if
    if button_pressed("org") then
      clr=org ! if btn(1,1)<>clr then break
    end if
    if button_pressed("quit") then end

    if button_pressed("restart") then goto newgame

    if time()>60 then
      gosub drawinfobar
      time reset
    end if

  until 0


  gosub drawturns
  gosub drawarrow
  gosub movearrowup

  floodfill(old,clr, 1,1)

  notes set "126:c4"!notes play

  gosub updateboard

  gosub movearrowdown

  gosub checkforwin

  'if turns over, game over
  if turns >turnmax-1 then
    set buttons font size 72
    draw color 1,1,1
    fill color 0,0,0
    button "lose" text tx$ at sw/2-tl,sh/2-100
    notes set "111:h(d3fa)(dga#)(dfa)"
    notes play ! pause 3
    button "lose" delete
    gosub gridhide
    goto newgame
  end if


until forever





'updates board based on btn() values
for r= 1 to rows
   for c = 1 to columns
     j= btn(r,c) ! nm=nm+1
     if j=0 then fill color 1,0,0
     if j=1 then fill color 0,1,0
     if j=2 then fill color 0,0,1
     if j=3 then fill color 1,1,0
     if j=4 then fill color 1,0,1
     if j=5 then fill color 1,.5,0
     x=(r*size) ! y=(c*size)
     fill rect x+65-size,y+90-size to x+65-4,y+90-4
     pause dly
   next c
next r



'sees if grid is all one color (win)

for y=1 to columns
   for x= 1 to rows
     if btn(x,y)= clr then t=t+1
   next x
next y
'if it's completed...
if t = (columns*rows) then
  set buttons font size 72
  draw color 0,0,0
  fill color 1,1,1
  button "win" text tx$ at sw/2-tl,sh/2-100
  notes set "7:s(c3eg)(e4cg3)(g4ec)(c5g4e)"
  notes play !' pause 1.5
  gosub cyclecolors
  button "win" delete
  gosub gridhide

  '=== if all levels done...
  if level > maxlevel then 
     gosub gridhide
     '=== show happy face
     gosub drawface
     gosub playhappymusic
     pause 2
     '=== redraw background
     sprite "bg" show
     sprite "bg" stamp
     sprite "bg" hide
     '=== start over
     firstrun= 1
     gosub setparameters
     goto newgame
  end if
  goto newgame
end if



fill color 1,1,0
fill circle sw/2,sh/2 size 200
fill color 0,0,0
fill circle sw/2-75,sh/2-75 size 50
fill circle sw/2+75,sh/2-75 size 50
fill color 1,1,1
fill circle sw/2-75,sh/2-75 size 15
fill circle sw/2+75,sh/2-75 size 15
fill color 0,0,0
fill circle sw/2,sh/2+20 size 20
draw size 25
draw color 0,0,0
draw arc sw/2,sh/2,125,3.14,0,1



set buttons font size 26
draw color 0,0,0
fill color 1,1,1
button "turns" text tt$ at 10,10



fill alpha 0
draw color 1,1,1
set buttons font size 56
button ">" text chr$(10162) at 1,800 size 70,70
draw color 0,0,0
fill alpha 1



'draws a rainbow background

dim rd(961),gn(961),bu(961)

for b = 0 to 255
next b
for r = 255 to 0 step -1
next r
for y = 0 to 255
next y
for z = 0 to 192
next z

draw alpha .4
for y = 0 to 960 step 2
   draw color rd(y)/255,gn(y)/255,bu(y)/255
   draw line 0,y to screen_width(),y
next y

draw alpha 1
shadow on
draw color .5,.5,1
draw font size 24
draw text "GRIDFILL v1.3" at 275,915
sprite "bg" scan 0,0,sw,sh
sprite "bg" at 0,0
sprite "bg" show
sprite "bg" stamp
sprite "bg" hide



fill alpha 0
draw color 1,1,1
if clr=0 then draw color 1,0,0
if clr=1 then draw color 0,1,0
if clr=2 then draw color 0,0,1
if clr=3 then draw color 1,1,0
if clr=4 then draw color 1,0,1
if clr=5 then draw color 1,.5,0
for m=800 to 50 step -40
  button ">" text chr$(10162) at 1,m size 70,70
  pause .01
next m
draw color 0,0,0
fill alpha 1



fill alpha 0
draw color 1,1,1
for m=90 to 800 step 40
  button ">" text chr$(10162) at 1,m size 70,70
  pause .01
next m
draw color 0,0,0
fill alpha 1
gosub drawarrow



fill color 0,0,0
draw color 1,1,1
fill alpha 0
set buttons font size 20
button "bat" text bat$ at sw-text_width(bat$)-90,1
ampm$="AM" ! hr=current_hour()
if len(min$)=1 then min$="0"&min$
if hr>12 then
  hr=hr-12 ! ampm$="PM"
end if
if hr=0 then hr=12
tm$=str$(hr)&":"&min$&" "&ampm$
button "time" text tm$ at ((sw/2)-text_width(tm$)/2),1
'draw battery graphic
fill alpha 1
draw size 1
fill rect sw-70,10 to sw-20,24
draw rect sw-70,10 to sw-20,24
fill color 1,1,1
fill rect sw-70,10 to sw-70+f,24
fill rect sw-20, 14 to sw-17, 19
draw color 0,0,0



gosub SetParameters

refresh off

'=== make new game box
_line (0,0,300,300,1,1,1,1)
_line (5,5,295,295,1,0,0,1)
_line (0,0,300,300,0,0,0,0)
_text ("NEW GAME",65,20,"",36,1,1,1)
_text ("Fill the grid with",25,80,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("one color using the",25,110,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("big color buttons.",25,140,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("You have "&turnmax&" turns.", 25,170,"",22,0,1,1)
_line (100,225,200,275,1,1,1,1)
_line (100,225,200,275,0,0,0,0)
_text ("GO!",125,234,"",36,0,0,1)
sprite "newgame" scan 0,0,302,302
sprite "newgame" at -2000,-2000
sprite "newgame" show

graphics clear 0,0,0

'make next level box
_line (0,0,300,300,1,1,1,1)
_line (5,5,295,295,1,0,0,1)
_line (0,0,300,300,0,0,0,0)
_text ("YOU DID IT!",33,20,"",36,1,1,1)
_text ("Good job. Now for a",25,80,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("larger grid to fill",25,110,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("up. Number of turns",25,140,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("will be increased.", 25,170,"",22,0,1,1)
_line (100,225,200,275,1,1,1,1)
_line (100,225,200,275,0,0,0,0)
_text ("GO!",125,234,"",36,0,0,1)
sprite "nextlevel" scan 0,0,302,302
sprite "nextlevel" at -2000,-2000
sprite "nextlevel" show

graphics clear 0,0,0

'make retry message
_line (0,0,300,300,1,1,1,1)
_line (5,5,295,295,1,0,0,1)
_line (0,0,300,300,0,0,0,0)
_text ("OUT OF TURNS",25,20,"",36,1,1,1)
_text ("Sorry, you ran out",25,80,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("of turns. But don't",25,110,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("worry, you can have",25,140,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("another try...", 25,170,"",22,0,1,1)
_line (100,225,200,275,1,1,1,1)
_line (100,225,200,275,0,0,0,0)
_text ("RETRY",108,238,"",28,0,0,1)
sprite "retry" scan 0,0,302,302
sprite "retry" at -2000,-2000
sprite "retry" show

graphics clear 0,0,0

'make you won message
_line (0,0,300,300,1,1,1,1)
_line (5,5,295,295,1,0,0,1)
_line (0,0,300,300,0,0,0,0)
_text (" YOU WON!",25,25,"",42,1,1,1)
_text (" Congratulations!!",25,80,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("You have solved all",25,110,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("levels. You are now",25,140,"",22,0,1,1)
_text ("a GRIDFILL master!!", 25,170,"",22,0,1,1)
_line (100,225,200,275,1,1,1,1)
_line (100,225,200,275,0,0,0,0)
_text ("Restart",108,238,"",20,0,0,1)
sprite "won" scan 0,0,302,302
sprite "won" at -2000,-2000
sprite "won" show

graphics clear 0,0,0
refresh on


def showmsg(msg$)

'show a message box we made

'find center of screen
'the -150 is half size of our box
xm = screen_width()/2-150
xy = screen_height()/2-200

'play a sfx for box exploding in...
notes set "9:tc6d6e6f6g6a6b6c7"
notes play

'scale in the message box sprite
for t = 1 to 100 step 2
  sprite msg$ alpha t/100
  sprite msg$ at xm,xy scale t/100
  pause .005
next t

'wait for user to click close

  tx = touch_x(0) ! ty = touch_y(0)
  if tx>xm+100 and tx<xm+200 then
     if ty>xy+225 and ty<xy+275 then
        'play a click sfx
        notes set "108:c7" ! notes play
        pause .2 ! break
     end if
  end if
until 0

'play sfx for box going away
notes set "9:tc7b6a6g6f6e6d6c6"
notes play

'dissapear box,scale it out...
for t = 100 to 0 step -2
  sprite msg$ alpha t/100
  sprite msg$ at xm,xy scale t/100
  pause .005
next t

end def

def _line (x1,y1,x2,y2,fill,r,g,b)

'Combined draw rect,draw line, fill rect
'to this one function, like Qbasic does it.
'Draws a line or box, hollow or filled.

if fill=1 then
  fill color r,g,b
  fill rect x1,y1 to x2,y2
  draw color r,g,b
  draw rect x1,y1 to x2,y2
end if

end def

def _text (text$,x,y,font$,size, r,g,b)

'just a one-line way to draw text

if font$<>"" then draw font name font$
if size>0 then draw font size size
draw color r,g,b
draw text text$ at x,y

end def


refresh off
     '=== redraw background
     sprite "bg" show
     sprite "bg" stamp
     sprite "bg" hide
     gosub drawinfobar
refresh on


def FloodFill(old, clr, x, y)

	If .btn(x,y) <> old Then
		.btn(x,y) = clr
	End if
	If x > 1 Then FloodFill(old, clr, x-1, y)
	If x < .rows Then FloodFill(old, clr, x + 1, y)
	If y > 1 Then FloodFill(old, clr, x, y-1)
	If y < .columns Then FloodFill(old, clr, x, y+1)

End def


'happy music
'play song
notes set c$ ! notes play
'loop until music stops playing
do! until notes_time() => notes_length()  



for j=0 to 5
for r= 1 to rows
   for c = 1 to columns
     if j=0 then fill color 1,0,0
     if j=1 then fill color 0,1,0
     if j=2 then fill color 0,0,1
     if j=3 then fill color 1,1,0
     if j=4 then fill color 1,0,1
     if j=5 then fill color 1,.5,0
     x=(r*size) ! y=(c*size)
     fill rect x+65-size,y+90-size to x+65-4,y+90-4
     pause dly
   next c
next r
next j



rows=4+level ! columns=4+level ! turnmax=rows*2-2

'compute delay for board flooding routine
for h= 1 to level
next h

gridfill-1.jpg (87.21 KiB) Viewed 4646 times
gridfill-2.jpg (129.69 KiB) Viewed 4646 times
gridfill-3.jpg (111.39 KiB) Viewed 4646 times
Last edited by Dav on Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:20 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

Post by Dav »

Updated above code to add animated color flashing of grid when winning a level.

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Re: GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

Post by rbytes »

Can you give some hints as to the best strategies to use. So far I have been experimenting but without a real sense of what works best.

Excellent job on the programming. It is really fast now, and looks great! :D
The only thing that gets me down is gravity...

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Re: GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

Post by Dav »

Thanks, ricardobytes. I had fun making it.

What I usually do is get across the board the fastest, what color reaches the farthest away. I try to aim to the bottom right, but go with the flow. What turns the most number of blocks isn't always the best choice, but what opens up the most number of same color blocks is sometimes better. For example, converting only 2 red blocks may result in opening up all yellows that can be wiped out in one turn next.

- Dav

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Re: GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

Post by Dav »

I have edited the code to fix a little bug with maxlevel and loading the game data file. In short I just placed maxlevel at the beginning of the code. This makes it easier to adjust number of levels the game has. Re-download the code please. Thanks.

- Dav

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Re: GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

Post by Dutchman »

Wonderful improvements. Thanks.
I am particularly pleased with preserving and restoring the level.
However, it took me, just as in the first version, though a lot of effort to get past the first levels. To tackle six different colors in 8 turns is obviously not a beginner's level :D That's why I increased 'turnmax' by one.
I also added 'return to launcher'. In the attached file, the changes and additions are indicated in red.
This version also replaces in 'Sysfiles' of Launcher
gridfill v1-3+.txt
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Re: GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

Post by Dav »

Thanks, Dutchman. Yeah, I don't have the best method for computing turnmax value, or computing the "PAUSE dly" speed that will look the best for every level. Probably the most perfect solution would be hard-coding them for each level.

Thanks for putting the launcher code in, but it looks like you used the posted code before I edited it to fix a bug involving maxlevel and loading the gridfill.dat file (the loading code didn't recognize maxlevel). I downloaded your posted launcher version and fixed the maxlevel bug. I have attached the fixed code here. Glad you like the game!

- Dav
gridfill v1-3++.txt
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Re: GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

Post by GeorgeMcGinn »

VERY VERY ADDICTIVE! I played for 3 straight hours and am now at level 11.

Now I know how a crack addict feels like!

Great game. I may add some things like a score card, #left over, #turns and maybe even a stopwatch to time play. A player can see his scorecard by adding another button that goes to a new page.

I kept wondering how many times did I have just one color in one tile in the lower right hand corner with no turns left! Maddening!

Also, if I recall, I think there was a test similar to this, as all this game is pattern recognition, and you really need to know three moves ahead or more. Like the triangle game with one peg missing and you have to remove all but one? And that also had a thing like if you left 4, don't play again or something like that.

Very good. This is one I put on my launcher (the other two are the browser and a program I am using to write formulas as I study black holes.


Dav wrote:I have redone the GridFill game and started a new thread for it since this version is much improved and the code is different in several ways. First, it uses a different method of drawing the grid, and it has many more levels. The old version was limited to 10 levels because drawing so many buttons was slow. I have replaced using buttons. It is still for iPad only, but I will work on an iPhone version. I haven't added any launcher code yet. If you do you can post the code for that if you want. The game should be more enjoyable now with so many levels (or more frustrating? Lol)

Highlights for v1.3 features.
- 25 levels.
- Now saves game progress.
- Restart level button
- SLOWDOWN saves battery.

Hope you enjoy this new version!

- Dav

NOTE: The game is currently set to 25 levels, but you can change that by adjusting maxlevel value to any number you want. Anything over 50 just gets too frustrating for me, but it will work at 50 or even higher.

EDIT: Removed Code Box. Not needed for this reply.
George McGinn
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Re: GridFill puzzle game v1.3 (iPad only)

Post by Dutchman »

Dav wrote:… I downloaded your posted launcher version and fixed the maxlevel bug. I have attached the fixed code …
Thanks Dav, Excellent service! :lol:

In the first red-marked section, I added a variable: h24=1 and changed the clock display in the topbar.
If h24=1 then the clock is displayed as 24-hours clock.
gridfill v1-3++.txt
(13.92 KiB) Downloaded 288 times

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