Dutchman wrote:I think that Apple is the owner of the problem
Actually Unix is the owner of the problem. It started the case sensitivity thing soon after lower case was added to the ASCII set. By late 1969 the damage was done
Mr. Kibernetik wrote:OS X is a direct descendant of Unix, and its file system is not case sensitive.
Actually it is. If you use the Unix commands that are inside OS X you will find that the disk is actually storing the data case sensitive but the user interface masks this so it looks like it is not case sensitive. This is also true of Windows although for Windows you will need to download a Unix command set, but OS X has one built-in.
Dalede wrote:If you use the Unix commands that are inside OS X you will find that the disk is actually storing the data case sensitive but the user interface masks this so it looks like it is not case sensitive.
That's what I should do if I noticed this before...
It can be used to create images with transparency.
For example you can scan part of main window to a sprite, or you can save part of main window to a file. And now you can have transparency in all these situations. Previously it was not possible.
Please note that now you can erase images, not only draw them - both in sprites and in main graphics window.
So, [GRAPHICS CLEAR] now clears completely, and [GRAPHICS CLEAR r,g,b] clears to desired color.