This is a simple program with a (sometimes) colourful result.
set toolbar off
set orientation 4
maxx1 = screen_width()
maxy1 = screen_height()
minx = (maxx1- maxy1)/2
miny = 0
maxx = minx+maxy1
maxy = maxy1
cx = minx + (maxx-minx)/2
cy = maxy1/2
nc = 30
gosub setcolours
graphics clear 1,1,1
fill color .4+ rnd(.4),.4+ rnd(.4),.4+ rnd(.4)
fill rect minx,miny to maxx,maxy
gosub changecolours
for i = 1 to 5 + rnd(4)
rn = rnd(4)
fill color colsr(c),colsg(c),colsb(c)
graphics mode overlay
if rnd(4) = 0 and i < 3 then graphics mode normal
if rn = 0 then csquare()
if rn = 1 then ccircle()
if rn = 2 then cdiamond()
if rn = 3 then
if rz = 1 then
next i
for i = 1 to rnd(3)+2
next i
for i = 1 to rnd(3)+2
next i
gosub dotch
graphics mode normal
goto here
GRAPHICS SAVE minx,miny, maxy,maxy TO "out.png"
ALBUM EXPORT "out.png"
cv = 1
dim colsr(30)
dim colsg(30)
dim colsb(30)
for ci = 0 to 29
colsr(ci) = rnd(cv)
colsg(ci) = rnd(cv)
colsb(ci) = rnd(cv)
next ci
for ci = 0 to 29
colsr(ci) = rnd(cv)
colsg(ci) = rnd(cv)
colsb(ci) = rnd(cv)
next ci
xx = -1
get touch 0 as xx,yy
until xx > -1
if xx < minx then gosub saveit
'get touch 1 as xx,yy
if xx > maxx then
graphics mode normal
graphics clear 1,1,1
def ccircle()
s = 50 + rnd(.maxy/2-50)
fill circle .cx,.cy size s
end def
def csquare()
s = 100 + rnd(.maxy/2-100)
fill rect .cx,.cy size s
end def
def cdiamond()
adon = rnd(.maxy/2-100)+ 100
if i > 30 then adon = rnd(60) + 10
px(0) = .cx-adon
py(0) = .cy
px(2) = .cx+adon
py(2) = .cy
px(1) = .cx
py(1) = .cy-adon
px(3) = .cx
py(3) = .cy + adon
fill poly px,py count 4 start 0
end def
def ccross()
w = rnd(50)+ 50
fill rect .cx - w,.miny to .cx + w,.maxy
fill rect .minx, .cy - w to .maxx,.cy + w
end def
def ssquare()
s = rnd(50) + 50
d = rnd(.maxy/3.5)+ 50
x1 = .cx - d
y1 = .cy - d
fill rect x1,y1 size s
x2 = .cx + d
y2 = .cy - d
fill rect x2,y2 size s
x3 = .cx - d
y3 = .cy + d
fill rect x3,y3 size s
x4 = .cx + d
y4 = .cy + d
fill rect x4,y4 size s
end def
def sdisk()
s = rnd(50) + 50
d = rnd(.maxy/3.5)+ 50
x1 = .cx - d
y1 = .cy - d
fill circle x1,y1 size s
x2 = .cx + d
y2 = .cy - d
fill circle x2,y2 size s
x3 = .cx - d
y3 = .cy + d
fill circle x3,y3 size s
x4 = .cx + d
y4 = .cy + d
fill circle x4,y4 size s
end def
Re: GeoSym
Forgot to say that tapping an image will produce a new image; tapping the white area on the left will save the image to the Camera Roll and then produce a new image; tapping the white area on the right will stop the production of images.
- Mr. Kibernetik
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Re: GeoSym
Very interesting!