Code: Select all
REM Landscape Generator
REM iPhone 6 plus / 8.3 b3
REM Enjoy...
graphics clear 0,0,0
draw = 0
draw color 0,0,0
graphics clear 0,0,0
REM Data
lWidth = rnd(50)+60
lHeight = rnd(50)+60
scaleX = rnd(5)+2
scaleY = rnd(3)+2
nrHotspots = rnd(450)+100
originalHeight = rnd(200)+100
XAngle = rnd(110)-55
smoothing = rnd(13)+5
dim l(lWidth+1,lHeight+1)
REM ---Prints landscape information---
draw color 1,1,200/255
draw text "Landscape data" at 10,10
draw text "-----------------------" at 10,20
draw text "Width: " & str$(lWidth) at 10,40
draw text "Height: " & str$(lHeight) at 10,60
draw text "ScaleX: " & str$(scaleX) at 10,80
draw text "ScaleY: " & str$(scaleY) at 10,100
draw text "Hotspots: " & str$(nrHotspots) at 10,120
draw text "Hotspot height: " & str$(originalHeight) at 10,140
draw text "XAngle: " & str$(XAngle) at 10,160
draw text "Smoothing: " & str$(smoothing) at 10,180
draw color 1,1,1
draw text "Generating hotspots......." at 10,250
REM ---Generate Hotspots---
for i=1 to nrHotspots
x = rnd(lWidth-8)+4
y = rnd(lHeight-8)+4
l(x,y) = originalHeight
procentDone = (i/nrHotspots)*100
next i
fill color 0,0,0
fill rect 10,230 to sw,270
draw color 1,1,1
draw text "Generating hotspots.......100% completed" at 10,250
startDrawX = sw/2-((lWidth*scaleX)/2)-(XAngle*1.5)
startDrawY = sh/2-((lHeight*scaleY)/2)
procentDone = 0
draw color 1,1,1
draw text "Smoothing.......loading" at 10,270
for i=1 to smoothing
for y = 1 to lHeight-1
for x = 1 to lWidth-1
l(x,y) = (l(x+1,y)+l(x+1,y+1)+l(x,y+1)+l(x-1,y+1)+l(x-1,y)+l(x-1,y-1)+l(x,y-1)+l(x+1,y+1))*0.125
next x
next y
procentDone = (i/smoothing)*100
fill color 0,0,1
fill rect 0,sh-20 to sw,sh
draw color 1,1,1
draw text "Smoothing......." & str$(procentDone) & "% " at 10,sh-20
next i
fill color 0,0,1
fill rect 0,sh-20 to sw,sh
draw color 1,1,1
draw text "Smoothing.......100%" at 10,sh-20
REM Let's Draw the landscape
fill color 0,0,110/255
fill rect 0,0 to sw,sh
incXAngle = XAngle/lHeight
for y = 1 to lHeight-1
for x = 1 to lWidth-1
x1 = startDrawX+x*scaleX+XAngle
y1 = startDrawY+y*scaleY
x2 = x1+scaleX
y2 = y1+scaleY-(l(x,y)*3)
if l(x,y) >= 50 then
fill color (l(x,y)+50)/255,(l(x,y)+50)/255,(l(x,y)+50)/255
fill rect x1,y1 to x2,y2
if l(x,y) < 50 and l(x,y) > 40 then
fill color l(x,y)/255,l(x,y)/255,l(x,y)/255
fill rect x1,y1 to x2,y2
end if
if l(x,y) <= 40 and l(x,y) > 6 then
fill color 0,(l(x,y)+30)/255,0
fill rect x1,y1 to x2,y2
if l(x,y) <= 6 then
fill color 0,(l(x,y)*10)/255,110/255
fill rect x1,y1 to x2,y2
next x
next y
pause 5
goto Landscape