Let's create the pattern for cross stitch from photo.
Run the program, it opens in the "Canvas" tab.
Go to the "Import" tab. Select the image by clicking on the button.
After importing is complete, the program goes to the "Design" tab.
Go to the "Canvas" tab. In the "Grid" section choose the cross-stitch symbol. In the "Color" section choose Black color - it will be the canvas color.
The program goes to the "Design" tab. Now we see our picture, "embroidered" with cross stitches.
To scale the image use Ctrl + mouse wheel.
To see how it looks as the embroidery pattern, turn on "Grid" option and "Color Symbols " option.
To export images go to the "Export" tab.
Put your Signature. It will be present on all your pictures.
Click on the "Export" button under the "Image" header. Specify the path to save the picture file.
Now we have a final image of our embroidery.
To get the pallete list, click on the "Export" button under the "Palette" header.
To get the embroidery pattern with color symbols, choose "Points" - "Color Symbols" under the "Image" header, turn on the "Grid" option and click the "Export" button.
We got an embroidery pattern.
That's all! Now we have a pattern for cross stitch, thread palette and a realistic look of an embroidery of our photo.