Update to Smart Basic?

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Re: Update to Smart Basic?

Post by Dutchman »

• I prefer programming on my iMac because I have access to files generated by other programs, at the same time I can use other apps to generate input or use output without having to pause.
• Because I only program incidentally, I want a programming language that is "readable" and understandable without strange grammar codes that you quickly forget. Smart Basic meets my wishes in that respect, in particular also because of the 'easy' access to files.
• Because of my technical background I have specific requirements in mathematical applications. The complex numbers that SB uses are very welcome. It would be even better if the calculation rules for quaternions were also implemented. That would make programming 3D objects much easier.
• The use of 'interface objects' is nowadays common in operating systems and very useful for programming, but the extra possibilities that SB offers when using sprites are very strong and unique for as far as I can judge.

In conclusion: I would like to have an SB-nephew or -uncle on the iMac.

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Re: Update to Smart Basic?

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

Yes, new BASIC will be more advanced and easier in syntax. It will look like usual desktop application.
Suggestions about useful features are very welcome when beta version is available. Beta version will present core functionality and will give understanding of which direction this BASIC goes.

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Re: Update to Smart Basic?

Post by matt7 »

Add me to the list of people who would rather have bug fixes and continued support than Dropbox support. And I would pay a few bucks a month too if it was needed to keep the app going.

I like the syntax improvements that are being discussed for the new Basic, but the fact that it is not likely to make it to iOS (not any time soon or maybe even not at all) is a big drawback for me. I want to develop tools that I can run from anywhere, and since I pretty much always have my phone on me that is why I like SB.

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Re: Update to Smart Basic?

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

matt7, thank you for your opinion.

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Re: Update to Smart Basic?

Post by rbytes »

Add me to the list of people who would rather have bug fixes and continued support than Dropbox support. And I would pay a few bucks a month too if it was needed to keep the app going.

I like the syntax improvements that are being discussed for the new Basic, but the fact that it is not likely to make it to iOS (not any time soon or maybe even not at all) is a big drawback for me. I want to develop tools that I can run from anywhere, and since I pretty much always have my phone on me that is why I like SB.

matt7, I agree with you on every point except the iPhone. I much prefer using Smart Basic on my iPad. 🙂

I will not be changing platforms in order to use Future Basic. I tried that already with SPL, and it turned out to be a dead end.
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Re: Update to Smart Basic?

Post by MarkP »

Because of the problems using SB on iOS versions 11 and 12, and the fact that it can't be updated unless DropBox support is removed, I, like several others here, have frozen my SB development devices (both iPhones and iPads) at iOS version 10.3, which is the last version that still works properly.

However, the end of usable SB Dropbox support may be closer than we think. I received two emails from Dropbox, one on 19march warning me about drop of support in 28 days (16April), and the other email on 18April warning me about loss of support on 7May.

It didn't specifically mention SB, but it said that "one or more of your mobile apps is using an obsolete version", and that after the date mentioned that these apps "may stop working".

So far I have not had SB or Dropbox issues on my iOS 10 devices, but the "writing is on the wall", and I expect SB may break in the near future.

This will be a sad day indeed. :cry:

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Re: Update to Smart Basic?

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

This means that in that case I will update sB and remove already useless Dropbox from it.

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Re: Update to Smart Basic?

Post by GeorgeMcGinn »

Hi Henk,

Just so I can clarify but I position is, I am only suggesting that instead of putting source in either Dropbox or here in the Forum, our source/files can be stored in places that already exist for that purpose and are acceptable to Apple, like GITHUB or SOURCEFORGE.

The platform will still remain iOS. All it means is that another process will hold our source code and SmartBASIC will be coded to look for our programs or source code there instead of Dropbox.


Henko wrote:
Sun Apr 14, 2019 6:24 pm
Hi George,

That would be nice, because i do not intend to switch to another platform for my programming hobby. Hence i will stick to SmartBasic as long as it is operational on my "frozen" iPad.
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