Line-filled circles and the Mandelbrot set

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Line-filled circles and the Mandelbrot set

Post by Henko »

Someone pointed my attention to the following YouTube adres:

Very interesting link. See the following snippet, whish displays 2000 patterns in quick succession.

Code: Select all

graphics ! refresh off
w=screen_width() ! h=screen_height()
R=floor(w-20)/2 ! xc=R+10 ! yc=xc ! pi2=8*atan(1)
for f=1 to 100 step .05
  rr=.5+.4*cos(f) ! g=.5+.4*cos(1.37*f) ! b=.5+.4*cos(.89*f)
  next f
'debug pause

def circle_modulo(xc,yc,R,mod,fac,cr,cg,cb)
draw color cr,cg,cb ! dt=.pi2/mod
graphics clear 1,1,1
for t=0 to .pi2 step dt
  draw circle xc+R*cos(t),yc+R*sin(t) size 2
  next t
for k=1 to mod 
  tb=k*dt ! xk=xc+R*cos(tb) ! yk=yc+R*sin(tb)
  te=e*dt ! xe=xc+R*cos(te) ! ye=yc+R*sin(te)
  draw line xk,yk to xe,ye
  next k
draw circle xc,yc size R ! refresh
end def

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Re: Line-filled circles and the Mandelbrot set

Post by rbytes »

That is hypnotic!
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Re: Line-filled circles and the Mandelbrot set

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

Very inspiring! Thank you, Henko.
The SPL version of what is shown at the video - animated OIDs: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=2117#p12756

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Re: Line-filled circles and the Mandelbrot set

Post by rbytes »

The SPL version runs a lot faster and the colours are brighter.
I noticed that the Smart Basic version drew tiny circles at the nodes around the circumference. I added a line to draw them to see if they would have an effect on speed, but it isn't noticeable.
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Re: Line-filled circles and the Mandelbrot set

Post by Mr. Kibernetik »

rbytes wrote:
Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:33 am
The SPL version runs a lot faster and the colours are brighter.
I noticed that the Smart Basic version drew tiny circles at the nodes around the circumference. I added a line to draw them to see if they would have an effect on speed, but it isn't noticeable.
SPL program has a #.delay function which makes program to run at 25 fps. Without delay it runs too fast to see anything :)

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Re: Line-filled circles and the Mandelbrot set

Post by rbytes »

Here is the code modified to produce colors similar to the SPL version. I condensed Dutchman's palet function to the minimum size I could, but it still requires many lines to duplicate the single SPL command that converts hsv values to rgb. I have highlighted the function in green in the editor. Using it slows the drawing slightly.

Code: Select all

set toolbar off ! graphics ! graphics clear 0,0,0 ! refresh off
w=screen_width() ! h=screen_height()
o=floor(h-20)/2 ! yc=o+10 ! xc=o+150 ! pi2=8*atan(1)
for f=1 to 100 step .05
  rr=.6+.4*cos(f) ! g=.6+.4*cos(1.37*f) ! b=.6+.4*cos(.89*f)
  next f

def circle_modulo(xc,yc,o,mod,fac)
graphics clear 0,0,0
for t=0 to .pi2 step dt
  draw color pal.r,pal.g,pal.b
  draw circle xc+o*cos(t),yc+o*sin(t) size 2
  next t
for k=1 to mod
  tb=k*dt ! xk=xc+o*cos(tb) ! yk=yc+o*sin(tb)
  te=e*dt ! xe=xc+o*cos(te) ! ye=yc+o*sin(te)
  draw color pal.r,pal.g,pal.b
  draw line xk,yk to xe,ye
  get touch 0 as x,y
  if x <> -1 then end
  next k
draw circle xc,yc size R ! refresh
end def

' condensed version of Dutchman's Palet function
'g'!def pal(tnt,sat,brt,iny)!tnt%=1
sat=abs(sat)!if sat>1 then sat%=1
iny=abs(iny)!if iny>1 then iny%=1
brt=abs(brt)!if brt>1 then brt%=1
on sect goto s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6
s1:b=1!r=0!g=tnt!goto satr
s2:g=1!r=0!b=1-tnt!goto satr
s3:g=1!b=0!r=tnt!goto satr
s4:r=1!b=0!g=1-tnt!goto satr
s5:r=1!g=0!b=tnt!goto satr
s6:b=1!g=0!r=1-tnt!satr:if sat<1 then
if brt<>0 then!ysup=1-max(max(r,g),b)
if iny<1 then!r*=iny!g*=iny!b*=iny!endif
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The only thing that gets me down is gravity...

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