Note: If you want to fill a rounded rectangle with transparency (FILL ALPHA < 1) or using a graphics mode other than NORMAL, you will need to do the following:
- Create a new sprite and begin editing it / drawing to it with SPRITE BEGIN
- Make sure FILL APHA is set to 1 and GRAPHICS MODE is set to NORMAL
- Call FILL_ROUNDRECT to draw the rounded rectangle at full opacity
- Finish drawing to the sprite with SPRITE END
- Move the sprite to the desired location and set the desired graphics settings (using SPRITE ALPHA and GRAPHICS MODE)
- Stamp the sprite to the main graphics layer (or to another sprite)
For examples, see the screenshots on my Gradient Editor and MSGBOX library forum posts.
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DRAW_ROUNDRECT (x1, y1, x2, y2, r)
FILL_ROUNDRECT (x1, y1, x2, y2, r)
Functions for drawing rectangles with rounded corners.
Both functions take an input of the rectangle's top-left x,y coordinates and bottom-right x,y coordinates, and the corner radius.
x1, y1 x,y-coordinates of the top-left corner
x2, y2 x,y-coordinates of the bottom-right corner
r corner radius
DRAW_ROUNDRECT draws a rectangle with rounded corners. This function uses only DRAW LINE and DRAW ARC commands.
FILL_ROUNDRECT fills a rectangle with rounded corners. This function uses only FILL CIRCLE and FILL RECT commands. Note: This function uses multiple fill commands that overlap in some areas. For alpha values that are less than one and non-normal graphics modes, run this command with FILL ALPHA 1 and GRAPHICS MODE NORMAL in a sprite and then stamp the sprite to the final destination with the desired graphics settings.
DEF DRAW_ROUNDRECT (x1, y1, x2, y2, r)
pi = 2*ACOS(0) ' depends on OPTION ANGLE
DRAW LINE x1+r, y1 TO x2-r, y1 ' top
DRAW LINE x2-r, y2 TO x1+r, y2 ' bottom
DRAW LINE x2 , y1+r TO x2 , y2-r ' right
DRAW LINE x1 , y2-r TO x1 , y1+r ' left
DRAW ARC x1+r, y1+r, r, pi , pi*3/2 ' top-left
DRAW ARC x2-r, y1+r, r, pi*3/2, 0 ' top-right
DRAW ARC x2-r, y2-r, r, 0 , pi/2 ' bottom-right
DRAW ARC x1+r, y2-r, r, pi/2 , pi ' bottom-left
DEF FILL_ROUNDRECT (x1, y1, x2, y2, r)
FILL CIRCLE x1+r, y1+r SIZE r ' top-left
FILL CIRCLE x2-r, y1+r SIZE r ' top-right
FILL CIRCLE x2-r, y2-r SIZE r ' bottom-right
FILL CIRCLE x1+r, y2-r SIZE r ' bottom-left
FILL RECT x1+r, y1 TO x2-r, y2 ' vertical
FILL RECT x1 , y1+r TO x2 , y2-r ' horizontal