Sea combat downloads

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Sea combat downloads

Post by Dutchman »

TheSea Combat game has become virtually unattainable because Dropbox has put in place all kinds of security features when sharing.
The game was developed during version 3 of SB, specifically during the introduction of sprites. Several features of sprites in SB were created on request during the development of this game. In addition, the game was well appreciated.
It was first published on 7 Feb 2014. See
This was followed by some additions and the last update dates from 12 Aug 2016. See

Screenshot during play with submarine hit by depth charge
screenshot play.png
screenshot play.png (152.3 KiB) Viewed 6290 times
If players have been added, then their high-score will be presented in the exit-screen.
screenshot exit.PNG
screenshot exit.PNG (118.85 KiB) Viewed 6290 times
To make it accessible again I used MakeInstall to create two files with which after downloading the game can be installed.
The sound file "bubbling seawater.wav" caused a crash, probably due to its size (2.5Mb). That's why it's not archived and needs to be downloaded and positioned separately.

==== How to install
• Download the files to your iPad
• Move the files to the folder, e.g. "Games", where you want the folder "SeaCombat" to be created
• Remove the extensions ".txt"
- file "" is the program which will extract the files from the archive
- file "SeaCombat.archive" contains the files for the game system
- file ""bubbling seawater.wav"" is the sound file
• Run the install-program ""
- Program will generate the folder "SeaCombat", including contents.
• move file "bubbling seawater.wav" to the folder "SeaCombat/Sysfiles"
• The file "ReadMe.txt" gives info on usage and history of the program.
• Run "Sea"
(1.41 KiB) Downloaded 288 times
(1.25 MiB) Downloaded 290 times
bubbling seawater.wav.txt
(2.37 MiB) Downloaded 258 times

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Re: Sea combat downloads

Post by Code4fun »

Fun game! Your png files for the ship, subs and explosion are nice. I know it’s not always easy (and can take a lot of time) to find, edit and adapt the right graphics to make it all come together. Very playable.
Thank you for sharing.

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